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'LIMformosa' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 134-688
most recent 7 OCT 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 OCT 22 by GardenGlimpses
Very disappointed with this rose. Thought that since this rose with the alternate motherland name “Formosa” would be one of the stars True Bloom. If this is the best, I shudder to think how the others might perform.
-Repeat bloom is awful! After the spring flush, just one or two puny sad looking “flowers” over a five month period. Other friends who tried it also confirmed only spring flush has value
-The stems are very weak. (There are some roses that have naturally relaxed stems that might be considered charming, but in this case the stems are just thin, small, and weak, and cannot even hold the small puny flowers out of the dirt.
-Petal are rather narrow and pointed, a undesirable quality that had been breeded out of old miniature roses, disappointing to find it in a new HT.
-I thought one of the nicer characteristics was the silvery white reverse, alas, it’s gone once heat sets in.
-Fragrance is decent should you be lucky enough to get that rare flower.
-I have grown over 150 varieties over 3 decades, this is one of the very few that I will shovel prune in its 1st season.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 OCT 22 by HMF Admin
Thank you for sharing your experience. All to often, members refrain from sharing the details of plants that disappointed them while that can be some of the most useful information given one explains why... as you did so concisely. Thanks again.
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