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"Brightside Cream" rose Gardens
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—  F  —
Florida, United States L,P,V  Florida Southern College

Rose (public) Garden.  190 plants listed.  24 photos.

8 favorite votes.  

—  G  —
Georgia, United States L  Glass Garden

Rose, peony and clematis (limited public access) Garden.  46 plants listed.  8 photos.  USDA zone 8b.

Florida, United States C,L,R,V  Grovers Garden

Rose, peony and clematis (private) Garden.  454 plants listed.  USDA zone 9b.

8 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

—  H  —
Virginia, United States C,L,P,R,V  Hartwood Roses Display Garden

Rose (private) Garden.  426 plants listed.  103 photos.  USDA zone 7a.

19 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

  L,P,T,V  Helen Ladler's Garden

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  10 plants listed.  11 photos.

5 favorite votes.  

—  L  —
Sardinia, Italy L,P,V  La Pietra Rossa

Rose (member) Garden.  263 plants listed.  22 photos.  USDA zone 10a.

22 favorite votes.  

Rose and peony (private) Garden.  645 plants listed.  5 photos.

9 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

Lazio, Italy C,I,L,P,R,V  Le Rose di Piedimonte

Rose (closed, reference only) Nursery.  599 plants listed.  4 photos.

4 favorite votes.  Average rating: GOOD-.  

Lazio, Italy C,L,P,V  Le rose di Piedimonte

Rose (member) Garden and Nursery.  359 plants listed.  167 photos.  USDA zone 8b.

23 favorite votes.  

Saône-et-Loire, France L,V  Le Villerot

Rose, peony and clematis (private) Garden.  658 plants listed.  8 photos.

2 favorite votes.  

—  M  —
Solothurn, Switzerland C,L,P,V  Marcir

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  772 plants listed.  1172 photos.  USDA zone 7b.

48 favorite votes.  

Emilia Romagna, Italy L,P,V  Mulino San Genesio

Rose (member) Garden.  669 plants listed.  8 photos.  USDA zone 8a.

8 favorite votes.  

Florida, United States L,P,V  My Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  75 plants listed.  1 photo.  USDA zone 9a.

8 favorite votes.  

—  R  —
Saxony, Germany C,L,P,V  RainArths' Garden

Rose and clematis (member) Garden.  979 plants listed.  1 photo.

26 favorite votes.  

South Carolina, United States L  Reisman's Rosewood Garden, South Carolina

Rose (public) Garden.  134 plants listed.  8 photos.  USDA zone 8b.

Ilha Da Madeira, Portugal L,V  Rosarium Quinta do Arco

Rose (limited public access) Garden.  1529 plants listed.

4 favorite votes.  

—  S  —
California, United States C,L,P,R,T,V  San Jose Heritage Rose Garden

Rose (public) Garden.  2893 plants listed.  85 photos.  USDA zone 9b.

40 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  

—  T  —

Rose (member) Garden.  3667 plants listed.  21 photos.

26 favorite votes.  

Texas, United States C,L,P,V  The Rose Gardens of Farmers Branch

Rose (public) Garden.  346 plants listed.  1 photo.  USDA zone 8b.

2 favorite votes.  

—  V  —

Rose (public) Garden and (retail, wholesale and mail order) Nursery.  430 plants listed.  5 photos.

1 favorite vote.  

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