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"Jola" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 132-949
most recent 20 MAY 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 MAY 22 by Margaret Furness
It might be interesting to compare this one with "Francis Dubreuil - in commerce as". But it wouldn't bring us closer to identifying either of them.
Discussion id : 132-929
most recent 19 MAY 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 MAY 22 by Hamanasu
It's a sunny day on May 2022, after an overnight downpour, and I have three vintage dark, velvety reds -- Etoile de Hollande (bush), Mme Louis Laperriere and Jola -- blooming next to one another simultaneously. The scent is sharpest on Etoile de Hollande -- more lemony than in the other two, and Mme Louis Laperriere has a dash more lemon than Jola. Jola's scent is rounder and riper than either of the others and generally stronger than Mme Louis Laperriere. (Having said that, at times my Etoile de Hollande can produce a deep, dark, sweet tea scent in which no lemon is detectable; and Mme Louis Laperriere in its best moments can be peach-like).
Discussion id : 115-412
most recent 17 FEB 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 FEB 19 by Hamanasu
I bought this from La Campanella in 2015, so it was found at one point prior to that.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 17 FEB 19 by jedmar
Thank you, date adjusted.
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