"Arancera" rose References
Newsletter (Apr 2014) Page(s) 19. [From "What is the next step?", by John Hook] In Italy Walter Branchi and his friends the Ducrots have found many examples .....”Manzano", "Arancera" and ”Myra White” from the Ducrots.
Book (2001) Page(s) 245, 246(photo). Includes photo(s). Arancera Da talee prese all'Orto Botanico di Roma, di un rampicante vigoroso senza nome che sale sull'Arancera assieme ad altre rose. Rami con poche grosse spine, foglie grandi, carnose, lucide. Sembra una té: somiglia alla "E. Veyrat Hermanos". Fiori prodotti in continuazione, pieni, globulari, rosa-giallo-arancio.
Translation: Arancera From cuttings taken from the Botanical Garden of Rome, of a vigorous rambler without a name that climbs the Orange tree along with other roses. Branches with a few large prickles, large, fleshy, glossy leaves. It looks like tea: it looks like "E. Veyrat Hermanos". Flowers produced continuously, full, globular, pink-yellow-orange.