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'WEKzazou' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 118-210
most recent 30 AUG 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 AUG 19 by GardenGlimpses
Outstanding and unique new rose! Color cycles through orange, pink, yellow and tan highlights, doesn’t really look like any other rose, although the Distant Drums parentage is noticeable. The bloom is beautiful from its long elegant tulip-like bud to the gracefully ruffled open bloom. Unlike many multi colors, it is never blotchy, the colors blend and mellow very harmoniously. The plant is dense and uniform, flowers heavily, repeats well even in hot weather. A very high quality novelty rose and a new favorite.
Discussion id : 118-057
most recent 17 AUG 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 AUG 19 by kgs
I don't know who rated Rosie the Riveter as only "good" in heat tolerance, but it has demonstrated excellent heat tolerance, the best in my garden (dry heat in Northern CA). Right now we have just had another spell of 100-degree days, and it is pumping out long-lasting blooms that never fry.
Discussion id : 116-827
most recent 22 MAY 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 MAY 19 by ParisRoseLady
Available from - High Country Roses
Discussion id : 115-922
most recent 29 MAR 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 MAR 19 by Jennywren1066
Absolutely love this rose! Got it on a whim as a bareroot, and never regretted it. It did fantastic it’s first year, growing to a tidy little bush and sending out bloom after bloom. It did die back to the ground this winter (zone 6, although we had a zone 7 winter), so not sure what was up with that. Hoping it doesn’t repeat that every year. She’s already sending out strong new growth, though, so I’m excited for the new season!
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