'Robert Bruce' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - Heirloom Roses https://heirloomroses.com/
In its second growing year, my Robert Bruce (budded maiden on multiflora from Wisconsin Roses) is really coming into its own this year. Growth and stem length have improved a great deal over the first year. I still don't think the plant has reached full maturity yet but I certainly like what I see. The color of the yellow bloom is very vivid and has considerable substance so it's very long lasting. This is a keeper in my zone 5b Chicagoland garden.
Initial post
13 JUN 22
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
My plant is a budded maiden from Wisconsin Roses planted Spring 2021 (Chicagoland zone 5b). Robert Bruce has tremendous yellow color in the bloom - very vivid. The bloom is long-lasting too. My plant did not grow as well as some of my other maidens like Perfectly Red and Clair Elyse. I had maybe 10-12 blooms from Robert Bruce, all of them stunning, but all of them were on short stems. The plant got no more than 18 inches tall and perhaps 12 inches would be more accurate. It was healthy - but I do spray every 10-14 days.
I hope he will winter well - I will protect it as best I can. RB has great potential if it will grow in its second year, and if it does, the sky is the limit.