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'Phoenix ®' rose References
Website/Catalog  (13 Nov 2022)  Includes photo(s).
Phoenix (Korrosobi) - Masses of very full orange blooms in large clusters covers a healthy compact bush to 70cm high.  Dark leaves enhance the bloom colour to look spectacular in the garden.  Great for containers or on mass.
Magazine  (Jan 2021)  Page(s) 25-26.  Includes photo(s).
All roses which this year have been moved from section B [judged 2018-20] to section C [trial of 2021]
Floribunda: R. 'Phoenix', Kordes, Germany...69,22%
Book  (2017)  Page(s) 21.  Includes photo(s).
Novelties of W. Kordes' Sons
'Phoenix' ® (Floribunda) Decription
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