'P. wendelboi Rukšāns & Zetterlund' peony References
Article (magazine) (2014) Page(s) 236-237. Includes photo(s). Paeonia wendelboi Rukšāns & Zetterlund species nova simila ad Paeonia tomentosa Lomakin et P. mlokosewitschii Lomakin sed differt floribus aureis, staturis monoribus (herbae ad 30 cm longas) et habitatione diverso. Type: Iran: Azerbaijan: Asalem to Khalkhal, 2,000m, May 5, 1978. P. Wendelbo & M. Assadi 27809. Dominating the whole mountain slope. Obviously not eaten by sheep. Flowers sulphur yellow, stamens yellow, leaves glaucous. Holo: GB, Iso: TARI.
Article (magazine) (2014) Page(s) 234-236. ...our team...made another stop at an altitude of 2,060-2,100m near sun-baked steep stony slopes facing south-west. These were sparsely covered with very dwarf and spiny shrubs and incredibly bright yellow peony in full bloom, growing in cracks in the rock. This was the species collected by Per Wendelbo and Mostafa Assadi (27809) [in 1978]. Its colour was so unusually deep yellow that at first glance Janis didn't believe it could be a herbaceous peony. Compared with the white-coloured peonies in the vicinity, the leaves of the yellow-coloured plants were much more glaucous, with rounded segments and pubescence on the underside. In the white specimens, the leaves were darker green, distinctly pointed and acute. This peony grows in full sun and is of dwarf habit, not exceeding 30cm in height while forming large flowers up to 7cm in diameter (in the wild).....This species turned out to be an excellent grower both in the garden and under cover. A seedling of this yellow peony raised from...seeds was planted in the open garden by Janis. It survived several winters and flowered for the first time in June 2013. The weather consitions in Latvia are quite harsh and moist, unlike those in Iran, but it seems that this peony is very tolerant of low temperatures in winter and moist soil and humid air in summer and autumn. Although it received sufficient moisture and fertiliser, its height in the garden did not surpass 35-40cm.... In the trade this new species has been offered as P. mlokosewitschii, Paeonia sp. nova mlokosewitschii aff., and later as P. iranica, but we decided to name it Paeonia wendelboi after Per Wendelbo, who did much work for the fundamental Flora Iranica and who was the first to discover it.