'Lavender Crush ™' rose Reviews & Comments
I recently purchased Lavender Crush bare root. I want to use it off of the front of my deck to “climb” along the hand rail. However, where I need to plant it it is a tight fit between Darcy Bussell and Royal Kate. Could I squeeze it in there and just keep it pruned down low away from the others and let it climb out over the top? I am in Zone 5b.
#1 of 1 posted
29 DEC 23 by
Lavender Crush doesn’t “climb” in the typical sense, unlike Tess d’U which flops sideways without support. On my 5yr old plants, they grow straight upward to 6ft and form buds on the final 7th foot — blooming at the tips. Plant width is about 2-3 feet. They would probably have more side shoots and flowers if I trained the canes horizontally, but it’s difficult due to their stiffness. On the plus side, the canes aren’t very thorny: some are smooth, some are fully covered, while others only have hooked thorns 1/3 of the length up. My 3” flowers are consistently slate gray in color and form an abundance of 3/4” round, blood orange colored hips for a pretty winter display. BTW, I’m on alkaline clay soil north of San Francisco and don’t spray, my five LC plants are budded and are practically no maintenance.
I fell in love with the Lavender Crush photo on the label of three grafted 'body bag' roses at a big box garden center (um... that would be Walmart) in spring 2020. Although I don't generally opt for this format (ie, bagged) rose, I took a gamble on them, because I was intrigued by the idea of a lavender climber, with scent to boot, and helpmefind members had posted some great pictures, notably Marina, Justin, and Ben T. I planted two in the ground, and one in a pot. One of the in-ground roses turned out anemic and weak; it kept trying to grow, then the canes and shoots would die back. I kept cutting it shorter and shorter until after 2 months, it got the shovel. The other two, on the other hand, quickly put out robust growth, and in a short time, masses of citrus scented romantic blooms. Both plants performed like champs all season. One note is that the in-ground rose gets only about 4 hours of sun per day, and it blooms prolifically. Mind you, this is intense, high desert NM sun, so perhaps 4 hours of this type of sun is worth 5 or 6 in a more modest zone? (conjecture only, I know). Regardless, this is definitely a 'top of my list' variety, and I don't regret my detour into the big box that day that led me to these beauties.
Lemon fragrance can be smelled from up to 10 feet away. Some blackspot in my humid zone 7a Maryland, USA garden but otherwise healthy. 2nd year grafted plant.
Tidbits for those interested, Certified Roses lists this rose as a climber instead of a shrub (same breeder code) and gives a height of 7 feet.
Thanks Cori! Do you know anywhere to buy them own-root?
It’s currently a hard one to find through mail order at all, but I would expect that to change since it’s still new. I bought mine locally at a nursery. Maybe try calling Cetified Roses?
CR says that they are grafted only, but thanks!
#4 of 6 posted
22 JUN 18 by
If you haven't found one yet, there is an own-root in the Save the Roses! auction being held in Oct. in San Diego. Plants can be shipped anywhere in US.
That's incredibly nice of you, thanks so much! I'll check it out!
Lavender-colored roses are best as grafted. I grew lavender/purple roses like Angel Face, Barbara Streisand, and Heirloom as own-root, and these were WIMPY and TINY, shorter than 1 foot, and blooms were really tiny since the bush is so small & weak. But my GRAFTED Angel Face and Heirloom roses were bigger & more vigorous & larger blooms. I bought 2 Lavender Crush for $5 each as GRAFTED-on-Dr.Huey at Walmart's late summer sale .. they are doing great as 2nd-year rose, lots of blooms, and blooms are large & amazing lemon scent. The one in partial has longer-lasting blooms than the one in full-sun but equal amount of blooms.