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'Harison's White' rose References
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 277.  
Harison's White (Br. unk., -1846). Pim [or F]
Book  (1943)  Page(s) 10.  
Richardson Wright. Harison of the Rose.
Farther down the list we come to "Harrison's White—rose within rose, 25 cents." What has become of this latter hybrid bearing Mr. Harison's name is hidden in the yeasty mists of American rose history. I haven't encountered it anywhere outside this Prince catalogue of 1844, and I've no intention of rousing it from a century of somnolent obscurity.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 42.  
S. L. Wiseman. More Outdoor Rose-Breeding.
I have what seems to be a beautiful double white 'Harison's Yellow' which was found in a wild state in the timber near here. It is an exact duplicate of 'Harison's Yellow' in habit of growing and in its new, very thorny reddish canes. It appears to be an escaped hybrid of R. spinosissima, the Scotch rose, to which 'Harison's Yellow' is sometimes assigned.
Magazine  (1893)  Page(s) vol. 22, pp. 865-861.  
R. rugosa X Harrison's White.— Of fifty-seven flowers crossed thirty-one plants were saved. Seven of these have the Harrison's White type of leaf, usually with nine small leaflets, serrate; branches very thorny. The four largest are eleven, twelve, twelve and sixteen inches in height respectively. The largest of the plants with rugosa type of foliage is eleven inches in height.
Website/Catalog  (1846)  Page(s) 48.  
Rejected and Superseded Roses,
Being inferior and some being synonymes.
Summer, June, or Hardy Garden Roses.  Scotch Roses.
Harrison's White.
Book  (1846)  Page(s) 48.  
Harrison's White (listed under Scotch roses)
Website/Catalog  (1839)  Page(s) 61.  
Scotch Roses.
This class of Roses is of dwarf stature, with small foliage and exceedingly delicate, the flowers of medium size, and they are in all cases double, except where otherwise noted.
757. Harrison's white, rose within rose [50 cents]
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