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'Emily' rose References
Website/Catalog  (20 Dec 2014)  
Name: 'Ausglade'
Synonyms: 'Ausglade', 'Cymbeline'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Emily
S, dp, Austin, David; flowers pure rose pink , 11 cm. , very full, cupped, quartered, borne in clusters of 5 - 6, moderate, myrrh fragrance; recurrent ; foliage dark green, smooth ; prickles moderate, hooked inward; growth upright. Introductions: Cymbeline, David Austin Roses. Emily, David Austin Roses, 2008, U.K. florist rose
Magazine  (2009)  Page(s) 33. Vol 103. part 1.  
David Austin. Roses in the House.
'Emily' (syn. 'Cymbeline'). (Ausglade). The large, pure rose pink blooms have many folded petals arranged in a traditional Old Rose quartered style. As they open, the backs of the outer petals develop hints of lilac. The fragrance begins as the classic English myrrh, later developing aspects of heliotrope, vanilla and fruit.
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