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'Summer Romance ®' rose Member Journal Entires
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30 JAN
new for 2025 - ordered from High Country Roses
25 JUL 22
Planted in spring 2022. She wasn't doing great in the spot I had her, so I moved her to a pot where she has taken off. She does prefer FULL sun though, even in the hot, humid summers.
6 SEP 16
I have 3 of the 5 Parfuma Collection roses and out of them this one has been the least productive. Its foliage fades a light lime color and it's bloom only a few roses at a time repeating only two times all summer. Compared to 6 sets for Dark Desire and 5 for First Crush. It has only been a single season so its to early to completely write a detailed review, this is a season 2016 note.
2 APR 16
Purchased 2 gallon Summer Romance from Lowes. 4/1/2016
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