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"McCulloch Grave rose References
Booklet  (2022)  Page(s) 14-15.  Includes photo(s).
"Bird Children"
Magazine  (2020)  Page(s) 46.Vol 42, No. 4.  
Glennis Clark. Regional Report.
Thank you Tiffany for your donation to Rookwood of the “Bird Children” Tea (HRIA Journal autumn 2019 p. 31). Our member Ros McLusky has propagated from cuttings a number of the found Tea “George Whatson” so we are nursing all these young roses in their pots, in case they do not cope with heatwave days in the very exposed garden at Rookwood. Planting them in Barbara’s Garden in autumn will let them settle in before the beginning of summer 2021.

[It is not known whether this is the white, or the pink reversion]
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 31. Vol 41, No. 1.  Includes photo(s).
Margaret Furness.
“Bird Children”, from an 1895 grave at Rookwood, NSW, and a stable pink sport or reversion, “Bird Children Pink”. The white can have red flashes on the guard petals. Flowers about 8cm across. About 45 petals + some petaloids. Hips not seen yet. Moderate growth. There are some resemblances to Souvenir d'un Ami and its white sport, The Queen. Photo above by Jane Zammit at Canowindra.
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 4. Vol 41, No. 2.  
Margaret Furness, Editor.
Found Teas “Bird Children Pink” and “George Whatson” have both been suggested for the true Souvenir d’un Ami, but it did set seed at least once, and they have not shown persisting hips yet. 
Magazine  (2015)  Page(s) 27. Vol 37, No. 3.  
Hillary Merrifield, Billy West and Lynne Chapman. Renmark Repository April 2015.

"Bird Children Pink" A48. This is a reversion of sport from the white "Bird Children" that appeared in Jane Zammit's garden. It closely matches detailed early descriptions and paintings of the real 'Souvenir d'un Ami', which had white sports eg 'The Queen', 'Souvenir de S. A. Prince'.

"Bird Children" A50. Could be 'The Queen' or 'Souvenir de S. A. Prince'. This possibility is to be investigated further.
Magazine  (2013)  Page(s) 45. Vol 35, No. 4.  
Margaret Furness. Drop Something Sport?
....This tendency to revert may be useful in confirming the origin of a cultivar, or for identifying it...... It doesn't work so well when an unidentified rose changes to another unidentified one; we don't know whether white "Bird Children" from Rookwood sported or reverted to a pink form.
Magazine  (2012)  Page(s) 32. Vol 34, No. 3.  Includes photo(s).
Editor. Thanks to the perseverance of Barbara May and Jane Zammit in preserving the Rookwood teas, and their generous assistance, most of those Teas are now in the HRIAI Collection at Renmark. They will be big enough to supply budwood in a year or two. Photo: Left "Bird Children", syn "McCulloch". Jane notes similarities to descriptions of 'Cornelia Cook (Cook, 1855). [Also photo of] "Bird Children Pink", a stable sport or reversion, occurred in Jane's nursery. Photos by Jane Zammit.
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