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'Adsumakagami' peony References
Book  (1961)  Page(s) 75.  
Among the many hundreds of kinds, some of the best are: 'Beline', 'Hatsuhinode' or 'Ranzan', all with carmine flowers; 'Tamafuyo', 'Benichidori', 'Heart of Gold' or 'Yachiyo tsubaki', clear pinks; 'Yaezakura', purplish pink; 'Taiyo', 'Nissho', 'Azuma kagami'...
Article (magazine)  (Jan 1955)  Page(s) 56.  
Alphabetical Check List of Tree Peony Names In  Public Collections And/or Available in Nurseries 1954-1955
Chines, Lilac Rose, 'Adzuma Kagami' (Mirror of the East), (Jap. bef. 1893), [Gardens] Scott Foundation, Whitmal Park Botanical Gardens, [Nurseries] Cottage Gardens, William Gratwick
Magazine  (5 Jul 1935)  Page(s) 148.  
SOCIÉTÉ LYONNAISE D’HORTICULTURE Procès-verbal de l’ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE du Dimanche 19 Mai 1935....
APPORTS. — Sont présentés par M. Antoine Rivière Fils, Grandes Pépinières du Plateau, 78, rue Coste, Caluire et Cuire (Rhône) : Un lot de pivoines en arbres comprenant surtout des variétés japonaises. Parmi les plus remarquées nous citerons : Aujoji blanc pur, Avzuma Kagami rouge ponceau. Fumsu-minisiki rouge noireâtre lamé blanc, Daïkagma vieux rose. HHybride de Lutéa, Souvenir du Professeur Maxime Cornu jaune liseré saumon, Moutan, R. Elisabeth rouge saumon, Bijou de Cluissan blanc légèrement rosé, Comtesse de Tuver rose saumon, Souvenir du Ducher violet unique, Marquise de Clapier rose. Un lot de pivoines herbacées d’Europe : Alba Plena blanc, Anemoniflora Aurea Ligulata rouge, Teinnufoliaflore à petites feuilles et à fleurs rouges doubles.
Website/Catalog  (1909)  Page(s) 13.  
Paeonia Moutan....
34. Adzuma-kagami, splendid deep carmine, 12 inches.
Book  (1907)  Page(s) 31.  
230. **AZUMA KAGAMI; P. moutan.
(1) 1903, Jap Cat. Fewkes' MSS.
(2) ** 1903, Ban Kwa Yen Nursery Cat.
Book  (1907)  Page(s) 16.  
44. ADZUMA KAGAMI; P. moutan...(Dessert, Imp.)
(1) 1906, Dessert Cat. p. 45.
Website/Catalog  (1898)  Page(s) 12.  
Paeonia Mouton. Tree Peony.
This plant is already well-known to the West. Flowers in May, widely differing in color and form. Stems either shrubby or branched from the foot. The best species are native of central Japan. The flower often attains one foot in diameter. These plants have fanciful names in Japanese, which we give with as nearly as possible the English equivalent.
Double grafted set of 20, no two alike, $4.00. 1 case of 100 peonies comprising 25 varieties, $18.50.
II. Deep Crimson.
Azuma-kagami, Eastern Souvenir...
Website/Catalog  (1898)  Page(s) 11.  
PÆONIA MOUTAN. (Tree Peonies.)
34. Adsumakagami, splendid deep carmine.
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