'Bibi Mezoon ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Despite the "buy from" tab, Bibi Maizoon is no longer commercially available in the USA. I used to grow this rose when it first came out, but left it behind after several house moves. I have been searching for a replacement for many years now without success. If anyone is willing to share cuttings please contact me.
Have you tried contacting the nurseries who used to grow it on the off chance that they might still have mother plants?
Yes, I've already contacted the nurseries but to no avail. It is out of circulation, the only plants left are in people's gardens.
If you are still looking for this rose, Peter Schneider at Freedom Gardens offers it for custom propogation, I believe
Available from - Hortico hortico.com
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
Unregistered Guest
Where does the name Bibi Maizoon come from?
It's the name of one of the members of the Omani Royal Family -- one of the princesses, I think. Sharifa Asma is another Austin rose named for a member of the Omani Royal Family.
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
Bibi Maizoon is one of my favorite roses. The large, cabbage shapped buds open to full, old-fashioned blooms. The fragrance is quite strong and pleasant.