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'Happy Go Lucky' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 126-867
most recent 5 APR 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 APR 21 by ParisRoseLady
Available from - Jackson & Perkins
Discussion id : 79-725
most recent 20 MAY 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 2 AUG 14 by Dinglehopp3r
I found a 3 gallon Happy Go Lucky at my local nursery and decided to try it out. I kind of took a gamble on this rose because it was so new that I could not find any reviews on it, all I could find were company product descriptions, which can make any rose sound glamorous & perfect. I was relying on the fact that this rose's parent is one of the true old faithfuls- Julia Child, who is very disease resistant, fragrant, and reliably puts out blooms all season long no matter what. So, I had no idea what to expect going in. The one thing off the bat that I was not thrilled with was that the color fades from yellow to white so distinctly on the tips of the petals, to the point at times it looked like a bi-color. When listed for sale this rose is described as non-fading, which is not true, but it seems impossible to find a yellow where that is not the case, so I guess I can forgive that. The fading has actually gotten better as the plant has aged, it doesn't fade as quickly or nearly as much, & it is still in it's first year so maybe it won't be as prevalent next year, after getting used to it I kind of started to like the dimension the white tips give the flowers. The bloom form tends to the more antique rose style, but with larger petals that aren't packed in as tightly as some antique roses tend to be.
So far Happy Go Lucky has lived up to it's parentage in both the disease resistance and the bloom frequency. The foliage is that bright glossy green that I love on Julia Child, and it seems to resist blackspot pretty well in my no-spray garden. It has also not been without flower for most of the summer, even right now on August 2nd, it is loaded with buds. When most all my roses took a break in the middle of July, Happy Go Lucky is still pumping them out, I am pretty impressed with the sheer amount of flowers it has produced in it's first year, it has actually outdone my first year Julia Child that is nearby. The growth habit is tall and a little awkward, like any grandiflora I've seen, but it holds it's flowers up well, and you can see them well on the bush which is what matters most, we'll see how the shape changes as we go into year 2, I can already tell it is going to be wider than I thought. The one trait Happy Go Lucky didn't seem to inherit from JC was the strong fragrance, there is a very mild yet pleasant fragrance, but nothing to write home about. Overall I would say that I am very pleased with the result of my "rose roulette", I adore any disease resistant yellow rose that loves to bloom, and I would love a second one if I had the space.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 20 MAY 20 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Thank you for a fantastic review. Yellow roses that don't fade on me are: Strike it Rich, Amber Queen, Honey Bouquet and Golden Celebration. Amber Queen & Honey bouquet last long in the vase. All have fantastic scents except for mild-fruity scent on Strike it rich. Saw Julia Child at the rose park and blooms faded to white so I never buy that, plus Julia Child's scent is like cough medicine.
Discussion id : 84-513
most recent 26 APR 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 APR 15 by Michael Garhart
At the gardens, it looks a lot like Toprose, but it fades, and Toprose does not. If you are fortunate enough to get Toprose, I would recommend it. But its hard to find now.
Discussion id : 82-964
most recent 4 FEB 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 FEB 15 by roseykat2
Heirloom Roses is now offering this rose.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 4 FEB 15 by HMF Admin
Thank you
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