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'Rosa alticola Bouleng.' rose References
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 176.  
Botanical roses on the territory of the USSR, whose independence requires precising...
R. alticola Bouleng. - according to Kotschkarewa a synonym for R. korshinskiana Bouleng.
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 372.  
R.alticola Bouleng. in Bull. Jard. Bot. de Bruxelles, XIII, fasc. 3 (1935) 220.- Ic: Boulenger, I.e. 221 f. 4.
Shrub; prickles erect, thin abruptly broadened at base, shorter than largest leaflets, often adnate; pricklets absent; leaves 3—5 cm long, leaflets 5 or 7, serrate, sessile or petioluled, overlapping at margins, orbicular or slightly longer than wide, rounded or tapering at base, rounded or obtuse at apex, the largest to 1.7 cm long, glabrous or sparingly pubescent along midrib beneath, glandular on both sides; teeth 8—13 at each side, compound -glandular (with 2—7 glands); petioles glabrous or lightly pubescent, glandular; stipules broad, glandular, with divergent auricles. Flowers 2 or 3, shorter than subtending leaves, subsessile or on pedicels not longer than 3 mm; hypanthia ovoid, with firm very dense glandular bristles; sepals 10—15 mm long, with 1—2 narrow lateral appendages on each side, slightly broadened distally, dorsally glandular-setaceous, shorter than petals (which they exceed in bud); corolla 50 mm in diameter; petals notched; disk reduced to a simple ring; style lanate -villous, stigma forming flattened
head; fruit unknown. Fl. July.
Dry mountain slopes, ca. 3,000 m. — Centr. Asia: Pam.-Al. Endemic? Described from Bok-Bash mountain pass (Alai). Type in Brussels, cotype in Leningrad.
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