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'Rosa alaica Juz.' rose References
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 176.  
Botanical roses on the territory of the USSR, whose independence requires precising...
R. alaica Juz. - According to Vvedenski a hybrid of R. hissarica x R. nanothamnus. According to Kotschkarewa (who has studied it under natural consitions) has to be counted to R. nanothamnus.
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 349.  
R. alaica Juz., spec, nova in Addenda IX, p. 480.
Shrub, low, with long slender flexuous branches and slightly glaucescent-dark brown bark; prickles erect, remote, sometimes paired, rather strong, flattened -conical, abruptly or gradually broadened at base, as long as the largest leaflets or slightly longer, straw yellow, without small prickles; small prickles wanting; leaves 1.8— 2.5 cm long; leaflets 5—9, approximate, sessile or very short -petioluled, orbicular or broadly obovate, usually orbicular at apex and base, 4— 10 mm long, 3— 8 mm wide, bright green above, paler and glabrous or remotely hairy, sparsely thin -pubescent beneath, covered with profuse minute glands, compound -glandular -dentate, with 7—10 teeth on each side; petioles slightly downy and profusely glandular; stipules connate, small, with rather narrow erect acuricles, profusely glandular along back and margins. Flowers mostly solitary, rarely 2, exceeding distal leaves; pedicels thin, 1—2 cm long, covered with more or less dense stalked glands; hypanthia subglobose or short-ovoid, smooth or slightly stalked -glandular; sepals shorter than petals, tapering from base, with narrowly linear mucro, dorsally smooth; petals white or pink; style lanate -villous, stigma head subglobose; bracts generally present; ripe fruit unknown. July.
Juniperus sabina forests. — Centr. Asia: Pam.-Al. (Alai Range). Endemic. Described from Uch-Tyube (right bank of Gulchi River, between Sufi-Kurgan and Ak-Bosaga). Type in Leningrad.
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