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'Comte Woronzow' rose References
Article (website)  (2001) a letter of Gartvis sent from Nikita to M. Vorontsov on 17 June 1833...."I venture to ask Monsieur Count and Madame the Countess to graciously accept the honour of two of the most beautiful roses of those that we derived, and decorate them with your name....The rose dedicated to Monsieur the Count refers to the winding evergreen species, whose long branches are able to completely cover houses, and flowers of this particular class, from 6 to 8 in a bouquet, roses have the size of centifolias, bright pink, almost dark.
Book  (1859)  Page(s) 151.  
I will not all talk about the magnificent evergreen roses, such as Rosa multiflora and Rosa Grevilliae; however it cannot be left unsaid that since 1828 varieties bred from seeds of china roses, the Rosa odorata Comtesse Woronzow have been distributed from here in the rest of europe - and that in Nikita seeds of Rosa sempervirens have been fertilized by pollen of china roses, to produce such roses which can withstand frost of 10° R. [-12.5° C], covering whole galleries, house walls, even roofs along the coast.
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