'The Royal Brompton Rose' Reviews & Comments
Yves Piaget seems to be rather hard to come by. I don't know why this rose seems to be so rare, especially on the East Coast. I wonder if the climate is just not suitable?
I have had my Yves Piaget rose for 2 years but it has hardly grown. I have re-potted it and ensured fresh new compost soil with some mature manure, located it to a sunnier spot in the garden and kept it relatively free of pests and disease but it won't grow. It has one stem that branches equally into three directions, each about 8-9ins but never seems to grow further and barely produced flowers last year. Any hints on what I can do to put some spark into it?
I'm also in the LA area and I just stumbled across pictures of this rose. So lovely! Does it get petal scorch in the summer? Does it like full sun here or would it benefit from some dappled shade? Also, how bit does it get?
Flourishes in full sun at my Hancock Park location. Haven't noticed flower scorching but may in the Valley heat. My plant is 4 by 4 but doesn't get as much water as it should.
Thanks! Now to find it (placed an order for this yesterday from Regan Nursery and they told me today they don't have any). Also ordered from Armstrong but I never feel confident about that as they often have my orders for months and I never get a call or a rose :( Do you recall where you got yours?
International Garden and Display and Garden on Sepulveda in El Segundo has the best roses nowadays.
I'll look more online and locally as that's pretty outside my normal range (I've got two little boys who keep me quite busy and close to home) but thanks for the tip! If we happen to be heading that direction I will definitely make a stop!
Mamabotanica, have you contacted San Gabriel Nursery to see if either they will offer Yves or if they order from Otto & Sons in Filmore? One of my clients had one just outside of the shade cast by her single story house on the north side in Old Orchard, Valencia in the Santa Clarita Valley. It grew there for many years into an open, angular nearly five by five foot mass. Most of the warmer months, it received almost no shade. The flowers lasted fairly well until the extreme heat and/or the worst of the winds hit, when the petals would turn to potpourri. However you obtain it, make sure to get a budded plant. Own root, Yves is a mess. It just isn't vigorous enough to generate a decent (well, as decent as it genetically can) plant.
Thank you! I was about to order as own root. So glad you mentioned that and no, haven't contacted San Gabriel nursery but I will now!
You're welcome! I don't know if any other nurseries in your area order from Otto & Sons out in Filmore, but they are likely to sell five gallon, bud and bloom plants of Yves. Otto has been a major supplier of bud and bloom roses (and many other landscape plants) for quite a few years. I know it's a drive from you, but Green Thumb/Green Arrow would also be another possibility. They have something like 22 acres of growing grounds in the far west San Fernando Valley (the old Germain's Nursery property, the largest, continuous piece of land left in the Valley) and they also grow massive quantities of roses and other landscape materials annually. I'm afraid their closest outlet to you is now going to either be Newhall or Canoga Park. As the children of the originating brothers age, some choose to close their stores and sell the land while others remain in business to pass it on to their children. I guess you could call Otto and see if there are any nurseries in your area they service. If there are, you may be able to easily add an Yves to their next order. It's worth a try. Good luck!
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