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'Baronne Yulie Berkheim' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 63-111
most recent 31 MAR 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 MAR 12 by Eric Timewell
Hartwiss was director of the Nikita Botanic Gardens as well as providing roses to the Vorontsovs at the Alupka Palace near Yalta. In 1833 he sent the Count a catalogue, handwritten in French, of all the roses in the Gardens. This catalogue, presumably in Hartwiss's own hand, is reproduced at the bottom of the article in Russian, "Inhaling the scent of roses" by A.A. Galichenko online at The fifth of the reproduced pages, under the heading Rosa indica carnea inermis plena, shows exactly how the breeder named this rose:
Baronne Julie de Berkheim
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