'Belle de Livonia' rose References
Website/Catalog (2013) ‘Belle de Livonie’ (A, 1829)
Article (magazine) (2011) Page(s) 50. During his 36 years of breeding activity in the Nikita Botanical Garden Gartvisom was created about 100 domestic varieties of garden roses. Some varieties, he devoted ....to a variety of places _ ...Prekrasnaja Livonija (Belle de Livonia)...
Article (website) (2001) The rose catalogue of 1834 includes 210 classes and varieties....The largest group is those of R. gallica....Like every man who loves his country, Gartvis did not forget it while living in Crimea......Hybrids of R. alba are Прекрасная Ливония (Belle de Livonia) and Белая Рига (Blanche de Riga).