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'FEodase' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 79-444
most recent 13 JUL 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 JUL 14 by Carys
as I live in spain I have a few Condesa de Barcelona roses in my garden, they are vey popular here as they are hardy and withstand the hot summer well blooming at least twice even if hardly watered. a very rich yellow colour although the flowers are relatively small, this rose is a a hybrid of a Mount Shasta x Helmut Schmidt actually I posted a picture on my site here
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 JUL 14 by Patricia Routley
Thank you so much Carys. We've added the parentage and much of the information in your comment. We've also taken the liberty of moving your photo to the main page for 'Condesa de Barcelona'. With the help of people like you, just gets better and better.
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