'Rosa elymaitica Boiss. & Hausskn. ex Boiss.' rose References
Book (2018) Page(s) 536. Includes photo(s). Rosa elymaitica Boiss. & Hausskn. Northern and western Iran, northern Irak, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidjan and Turkey. In our country in northeastern Anatolia, Çoruh, Artvin and Erzurum regions...
Website/Catalog (29 Feb 2016) R. elymaitica, a bush up to 1 m high, with small pink (and rarely white) flowers, solitary or in clusters of 2-6 flowers; habitat: Hamadān, Kermānšāhān, Lorestān, Kohgiluya and Boir Aḥmad, Baḵtiāri, Isfahan, Fārs, Arāk, Qazvin, Tehran; also reported from Iraqi Kurdistan and eastern Anatolia (Zieliński, p. 19; Ḵātamsāz, pp. 54-56).
Book (2005) Page(s) 131. Black Sea Region. Valley of the Coruh. Artvin / Erzurum. Other species rare on national level...Rosa elymaitica...
Book (1976) Page(s) 177. Botanical roses on the territory of the USSR, whose independence requires precising... R. elymaitica Boiss. et Hauskn. - According to Juseptschuk described for southern Caucasus, not mentioned in the Flora of Transcaucasia and in the Flora of Caucasus by Grossheim. Distribution: Iran, Kurdistan.
Book (1971) Page(s) 366. R.elymaitica Boiss. et Hausskn. ex Boiss., Fl. Or. 11(1872) 675; Crep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. XIII (l874) 278; Christ in Boiss., Fl. Or. Suppl. (1888) 227; Bouleng. in Bull. Jard. Bot. de Bruxelles XIV (l936) 170,— R. elymaitica var. tomentella Boiss., 1. c. — R. albican s Godet ex Boiss., I.e., Christ., 1. c. — R. albicans var. i>flexicaulis Godet et Boiss., I.c. Small or medium-sized shrub with erect, rarely flexuous, purple branches, with glaucous bloom; prickles homogeneous, very dense, erect, slightly curved or hamate, large, with broad often decurrent base, often arranged in twos (or threes); leaves 1.5— 4 cm long, glaucescent; leaflets 3— 5 (7), small (the largest 1—1.5 cm long), sessile or petioled, more or less approximate in upper half of rachis, orbicular -obovate, large- and small -toothed, with 8—14 broad, simple, eglandulose, very large teeth at each side, glabrous or pubescent on both sides, eglandulose or with few glands along midrib beneath, indurate, often with strongly protruding veins beneath; petioles glabrous or pubescent, armed with prickles and few glands or often without them; stipules short, lanceolate, narrow or rather broad with triangular or acuminate auricles, usually with glandular margin. Flowers small, 25— 30 mm in diameter, solitary, rarely 2 or 3, subsessile or on 7 mm pedicels, bracteate; hypanthia ovoid, like the sepals very densely glandular -hispid; sepals 10— 15 mm long, slightly broadened distally, with (0)l— 3 filiform or linear -lanceolate pinnules; corolla white or pink; petals almost as long as sepals; styles white -tomentose, villous, not united into column; stigma a more or less protruding, glabrous, orbicular or conical head; fruit globose (pisiform), 7—13 mm long, red, more or less densely glandular -hispid, with somewhat persistent sepals. June. Alpine and subalpine mountain zone, rocks, 1,500— 3,000 m. — Caucasus: S. Transc. Gen. distr.: Iran, Kurdistan (Persian). Described from Avroman in Kurdistan. Type in Geneva.
Article (magazine) (1897) Page(s) 147. R. elymaitica Boiss. et Hausskn.
a. Feuille. — Poils simples, nombreux sur toute la feuille. Poils glandulifères nuls. Épidermes recticurvilignes, le supérieur d'une épaisseur de 21 μ, à cellules petites ; l'inférieur d'une épaisseur de 16 μ, à cellules petites, rarement moyennes. Stomates d'une longueur de 30 μ plus grands ou plus petits que les cellules environnantes. Mésophylle subcentrique, centrique en certains points, d'une épaisseur de 110 μ, composé de 5-6 assises, les 2-3 supérieures transformées en palissades remplissant les 2/3 de l'épaisseur totale. Lacunes dans le 1/3 inférieur. Nervures et pétiolule pourvus d'un arc mécanique au pôle libérien des faisceaux.
b. Tige. — Ëpiderme exfolié sur les rameaux, de trois ans. Périderme continu et puissant. Parenchyme cortical à cellules allongées dans sa moitié interne, très cristalligène. Bois très vasculaire à larges vaisseaux. Moelle à cellules moyennes ou petites.
c. Pédoncule floral. — Collenchyme en couronne continue. Moelle à cellules moyennes.