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"Dr. Peck's 12th Avenue Smoothie. rose Description
Photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
HMF Ratings:
99 favorite votes.  
Hybrid China.
Found Rose, Hybrid China.  
Pink, lilac .  Bud is a darker pink with the main flower colour a silvery lilac lavender, mauve pink with a yellow green pointel. Bloom form is flat, with a swirl of many petals usually held tightly cupped by the outer petals, before they unfold and the flower expands..  Strong fragrance.  Medium-large, very full (41+ petals), cluster-flowered, in large clusters, flat to cupped, pinpoint centers, quartered bloom form.  Once-blooming spring or summer.  Leafy sepals buds.  
Arching, few or no prickles/thorns.  Blue-green, edged purple-red foliage.  

Height: 8' (245cm).  Width: 3' (90cm).
Blooms tend to ball in wet weather.  drought resistant.  Disease susceptibility: disease resistant.  Prune dead wood.  
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
An old rose often found in Australia. The bloom pedicel is stiff and there is an abrupt changeover in the stalk to a prickly pedicel. Sepals are leafy and foliacious. The rose is almost thornless,with the few prickles being at the base of the bush and which are almost-straight with only a slight downward curve. The rose sets no hips and the mummies are retained until the following spring. The bush which suckers slowly to about 1m, has lax green canes of perhaps eight feet, gently arching over and the soft leaf texture is pale green, darkening with age and sometimes having a hint of blue and reddish margins. The stipule is edged with glands and hairs.

Some roses which have been considered by Australians are:
Asta von Parpart 1909 This is a repeat flowering rose.
Archiduchesse Elisabeth d'Autriche. 1881 HP. The leaf is too long.
Banshee. 1773 ?Damask. Variable but the receptacle appears to be almost square and much glanded.
Byzantina <1830 species. Considered because it was said to be similar to 'De la Grifferaie'.
Charles Lawson 1853 Hybrid Bourbon, or Hybrid China. This is the very best bet and there is not very much against it. Perhaps no mention of the lilac tints in the references might be the only thing.
De la Grifferaie 1845 hybrid multiflora. Form of flower is too loose. Colours are too varied and canes are dark or red.
Des Peintres 1597 centifolia/gallica [?] Canes are thorny.
Gaspard Monge 1854 centifolia. There are no Australian references to this rose. Although the "Brooks Rose" European counterpart is found under the 'Gaspard Monge' name, German rosarians doubt it is correctly named.
Geschwind's Orden' 1885 White band around the outside of the petals, absolutely no perfume.
Gilda 1887 has been suggested and should be considered. Originally dark red, fading to lilac violet.
Gracilis 1796. Boursault. Upper part of the receptacle narrows, whereas it widens in the "Brooks Rose".
Josephine Ritter <1900. Close, but said to be very prickly.
Juno <1820. Centifolia. Colour is pale blush pink. Too pale.
Mme. Desprez 1831 Bourbon.
Mme. Lauriol de Barny. 1868 Bourbon. Seems a deeper pink, no pointel and pedicel looks smoother.
Nestor 1834 Hyb Gallica. A gallica rose normally has short upright canes. The “Brooks Rose” has long arching canes. Some of the photos on are certainly similar, but the leaves shown there are typical tough gallica, rather than the "Brooks Rose" leaves which are soft, and a light green – turning dark-green or blue-green with age. They remind one somewhat of a soft potato or basil leaf.
Shailer's Provence

This rose may be the same as Dr. Peck's 12th Avenue Smoothie
or Ralph Moore's South African OGR
Refer also the Comments under 'Gaspard Monge' (centifolia, Robert, 1854)

[See Hardy's comments of 4/29/2014 for expanded information concerning this rose.]
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