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'Кичунов H. И' rose References
Newsletter  (Jul 2012)  Page(s) 44, 46.  
p. 44: Among the varieties of his [Michurin's] selection (Noble, Buketnaya, Bicolorous, Zarya Vostoka, Sister of Dawn, Brother of Dawn, Double White, Kerb Pink, Kerb White, Lawny, Mother of blue, Mother of yellow, Mother of climbing, Svetlana, Tatyana Michurina, N.I. Kichunov, Neptune, Prince of Varangians, Prince Rurik, Cream, Fairy, Tsarina of Light, Ceres, etc.), many carried the genes of this species [Rosa rugosa].

p. 46: N.I. Kichunov Origins: R. lutea Persian Yellow × R. damascena Kazanlyk. Plants of this variety have a “beautiful double blooms of light old-lace colour with a particularly fine fragrance. The plant is strong, three arshins high, of course, quite hardy, abundantly blooming.“ 
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 60.  
As one of the first [in Russia] Mitschurin busied himself with hybridising roses; he brought forward a number of varieties, among them 'N. Kitschunow' (1898) and 'Zariza Sweta' (1901).
Book  (1953)  
This was observed, for example, in the case of a new variety of the attar rose Slava Sveta. The hybrid seedlings obtained from fertilizing the yellow Persian rose with the pollen of the Damask rose rapidly perished, even before they attained a height of 5 cm., owing to the poor development of the root system. These seedlings were saved only by grafting them on....
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