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'Triomphe de Luxembourg' rose References
Magazine  (2021)  Page(s) 29. Vol 43, No. 4.  
Lynne Chapman and Billy West.  A Close Look at Tea Roses. 
.....Triomphe du Luxembourg. The rose described at the time of its introduction in the 1830s is completely different from the one re-introduced under this name in the 1980s.
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 51. Vol 41, No. 1.  
Margaret Furness.  Tea, Noisette and China Mislabels in Australia.
The rose known as Triomphe du Luxembourg is incorrect here and elsewhere.  It may be Rhodologue Jules Gravereaux (Tea x HT).
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 61.  
Roses à odeur de thé
Thé Triomphe du Luxembourg
Book  (2008)  Page(s) 208-209.  
L. Arthur Wyatt was the last editor of the English periodical The Rose, which facilitated an international tracing service for roses no longer in commerce through a regular column named 'Lost and Found'. After The Rose ceased publication in 1969, Wyat continued this tracing work privately....By 1975, Wyatt was offering 136 cultivars...but ill health brought his enterprise to a halt. Most of his records were discarded and the rose collection was lost. It was reassembled in Castle Howard by James Russell, and the efforts of nurseryman Peter Beales saw much of Wyatt's collection returned to commerce...
First offered in 1974 list...
93 Triomphe du Luxembourg (Tea)

[This is the possible source of misidentification of 'Rhodologue Jules Gravereaux' as 'Triomphe du Luxembourg'.]
Book  (2008)  Page(s) 192.  
The rose in commerce in Australia today as the Tea 'Triomphe du Luxembourg', Hardy/Sylvain-Pean, France 1835, is not the original rose....A distinctive feature of this rose [in Australia] is the purplish black colour often evident on the prickles and branches, with the older branches being particularly dark. It is densely armed with prickles that vary in size and can be wide-based or quite fine The foliage is strong and healthy with coppery new leaves that turn dark green with maturity but retain red edges and veining for some time, so that the coarse leaf serrations appear to be picked out in red......Overseas, this striking rose has been equated with 'Rhodologue Jules Gravereaux' (Lowery & Robinson 2006).
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 88.  
Teas...Rhodologue Jules Gravereaux Good, reliable rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. ...robust Tea, which tends to produce many tall basal canes, beginning stout and then branching inti twiggier wood above.
This came to us as Triomphe du Luxembourg, which it was not. It bears a most beautifully formed flower that reminds me of La France, with more substance to the petals, making a blossom that holds extremely well both on the plant and as a cut flower. This is an early Hybrid Tea by parentage.
Book  (2005)  Page(s) 174, 176.  Includes photo(s).
'Triomphe du Luxembourg' A. Hardy, avant 1826. Charpente. arbuste de 1,20 m environ; jeunes pousses rougeâtres; peu d'aiguillons. Feuillage: vert foncé; folioles lisses et ovales, souvent au nombre de 3 seulement par feuille, bien nervurées. Fleur: double, globulaire, pétales tuyautés en Pointe; plutôt solitaire, mais aussi en Bouquets de 2 à 3 fleurs. Remontante. Couleur: rose carné crème, revers rose franc. Parfum moyen.
Cette variété fut commercialisée par Sylvain Péan, mais obtenue par Alexandre hardy, jardinier en Chef des jardins du Luxembourg, son ami et voisin. Les sources de l'époque attribuent bien cette obtention à Hardy, mais assez curieusement, celui-ci n'indique pas, dans son catalogue de la collection du Luxembourg, q'elle est de lui.
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 603.  Includes photo(s).
‘Triomphe du Luxembourg’: Ancien – Thé – tons roses, remontant. Description.. En son temps, ce fut une variété adulée.. Le Luxembourg de son nom est celui du jardin parisien dont Alexandre Hardy était alors chef jardinier. Vers 1912, la Section des roses de la SNHF classait ce rosier parmi les 200 plus beaux de l’époque. Zones 7-9. Hardy, France, vers 1835.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 614.  
Triomphe du Luxembourg Tea, salmon-buff shaded rose, Hardy; Prior to 1848.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 59.  
Triomphe du Luxembourg ('Triomphe de Luxembourg') Tea. Hardy/Sylvain-Péan, 1835. [Author cites information from different sources. The Annales de Flore et de Pomone says, This superb variety, born at the Luxembourg Palace, is one of the most beautiful teas know.]
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