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'Nouvelle France' rose Description
'Party Hardy (HKor, Bedard 2009)' rose photo
Photo courtesy of NorthWestRider
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
12 favorite votes.  
Average rating: EXCELLENT.  
Pink blend Hybrid Kordesii.
Registration name: DARcanard
Exhibition name: Nouvelle France
Discovered by Christian Bédard (United States, before 2006).
Introduced in United States by Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc. in 2009 as 'Nouvelle France'.
Hybrid Kordesii.  
Deep pink, lighter reverse.  None to mild fragrance.  Average diameter 2.75".  Medium, double (17-25 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
Tall, climbing, spreading.  Large, glossy, dark green foliage.  3 to 7 leaflets.  

Height: 6' (185cm).  
Can be used for garden.  Very hardy.  very vigorous.  
United States - Patent No: PP 21,449  on  9 Nov 2010   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 12/587,965  on  14 Oct 2009
Inventors: Bedard; Christian (Brea, CA)
Assignee: Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc. (Pomona, CA)
The new variety comes from an open pollination of the seed parent known as `AC Marie-Victorin` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 11,650)....description is of 3 to 4 year-old rose plants of the new variety grown outdoors in Pomona, Calif. in the month of September.
Weeks Roses website announces the parentage as 'Marie Victorin' OP.