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'Our Amelia' rose References
Website/Catalog  (17 Sep 2018)  Page(s) 31.  Includes photo(s).
Our Amelia.  Named in NZ for our Polish Granddaughter. Ballerina Pink medium- sized classic hybrid tea style blooms borne mostly one per stem, sometimes in clusters, strong tea rose fragrance. Borne on a healthy bush with semi-glossy foliage.....
Book  (2018)  Page(s) 39.  
John Ford. Trial Ground Report - Trial 47.
Trial Ground. no. 4967  Score 58.9.  Wonder Our Amelia®  (Walamelia) Fl.  Breeder Walsh. Entrant  Bambina.  Pink. 
Book  (2017)  Page(s) 92.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Hayne,  My Top Australian Bred Roses.
100 Not Out .....A grandiflora with mild fragrance,  a vigorous bush and a prolific bloomer.
Magazine  (2016)  Page(s) 51.  Includes photo(s).
Amore Roses advertisement
Our Amelia (Walamelia) Hybrid 
Website/Catalog  (7 Mar 2015)  
Amelia (syn. ‘100 not out’; ‘Elaine’; ‘Centenary of Newtown Park’) Australian-bred, from Richard Walsh. Large, double, well-formed; rose pink. 1.5m
Book  (2013)  Page(s) 141.  
Richard Walsh: '100 Not Out'. It was a fairly unassuming seedling at first and lived in a pot for years. It took off when it eventually got its feet into soil. Our initial working name for it was 'Little Girl Pink", because it seemed to be a feminine rose in the kind of colour you would see a small girl dressed in. By the time it went to trial, it had been registered as 'Amelia' after one of my granddaughters. It did unexpectedly well in South Australia and in many ways did not really hit its straps until after it was budded and sent to trial, where its clustering habit became more obvious. I sent it originally as a Hybrid Tea, but it soon became clear this needed to be changed to Floribunda to keep the assessors happy. It is now registered as Grandiflora, which was not an option in the trial garden. That seems logical since it was bred from 'Pink Parfait' (Gr) and 'Harmonie' (HT).....
Website/Catalog  (22 Jan 2012)  Includes photo(s).
Award Winners, 2011. Bed No. 33. Award: Bronze Medal. Trophies: Davis Trophy for the Best Australian Bred Rose in 2011 Trial. Code: WALamel. Name: No Name chosen. Category: Floribunda. Colour: Pink. Fragrance: Medium. Breeder: Richard Walsh. Exhibitor: Richard Walsh.
Book  (2012)  
p41 2011 National Rose Trial Garden Results For Trial planted winter 2009.
Bed No. 33. Bronze Medal. Davis Trophy for the Best Australian Bred Rose in 2011 Trial. Code: WALamel. Name 'Amelia' (syn '100 Not Out') Floribunda. Pink. Medium fragrance. Breeder and exhibitor: Richard Walsh

p67 Glynis Hayne. The Rose Society of NSW Inc.
I would like to acknowledge.....Richard Walsh and....for submitting their roses to be considered for the centenary rose. Congratulations to Richard Walsh for his rose being selected. With respect to the rose, it is now officially known as '100 Not Out'.
....Swane's Nursery and Finbarr O'Leary for their continued support of the RS of NSW and taking on the task of budding '100 Not Out'.
Book  (2011)  Page(s) 46.  
Laurie Newman. Rose Registrations for 2010.
'Walamelia' HT. medium pink. Richard Walsh. 'Pink Parfait' x 'Harmonie'. Registered April 20, 2010
Book  (2007)  Page(s) database.  
'Walamelia', HT, mp, 2010, (Amelia), [Pink Parfait x Harmonie], Walsh, Richard ... description
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