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9 OCT 16
Purchased October 2016 from Rose Petal Nursery

11/5/2016- Just went into a three gallon pot. No flowers yet.

10/21/2018- very slow to get growing. It might almost be ready to go into the ground.

5/2/2019- planted today near maggie

4/17/2020- Hasn't grown much in the past year, but it does bloom and there hasn't been any dieback that I've noticed. Hopefully, it's putting down good roots. Size is only about 2w x 1h, open growth.

2/15/2021- I covered this one for our Winter storm. Snow, Ice and 18 degrees so far with temps expected to drop tonight. I hope I covered it enough.

8/6/2022- Cut to the ground by a mow/blow crew.
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