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'Taj Mahal' rose Photos
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Taj Mahal rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Pranab Jyoti Phukan
Winter bloom of Taj Mahal - Location - Assam, India
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Taj Mahal rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Pranab Jyoti Phukan
I have been growing "Taj Mahal" roses for the last 12 years. This is the best-quality rose I have ever seen. Large, bright pink/fuchsia blooms with a mind-blowing mild fragrance. The flower lasts for around 4-5 days. Plants are healthy without any disease and can easily propagate by cuttings in winter. I reside in Assam, India.
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Taj Mahal rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Pranab Jyoti Phukan
Winter bloom of Taj Mahal - Location - Assam, India
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Taj Mahal rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Pranab Jyoti Phukan
I have been growing "Taj Mahal" roses for the last 12 years. This is the best-quality rose I have ever seen. Large, bright pink/fuchsia blooms with a mind-blowing mild fragrance. The flower lasts for around 4-5 days. Plants are healthy without any disease and can easily propagate by cuttings in winter. I reside in Assam, India.
Uploaded 2 days ago
Taj Mahal rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Pranab Jyoti Phukan
Winter bloom of Taj Mahal - Location - Assam, India
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Taj Mahal rose photo
Photographed in my Idaho garden in June of 2023.
Uploaded 12 OCT 23
Taj Mahal rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Pranab Jyoti Phukan
I have been growing "Taj Mahal" roses for the last 12 years. This is the best-quality rose I have ever seen. Large, bright pink/fuchsia blooms with a mind-blowing mild fragrance. The flower lasts for around 4-5 days. Plants are healthy without any disease and can easily propagate by cuttings in winter. I reside in Assam, India.
Uploaded yesterday
Taj Mahal rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of viscount89
Brookhaven, GA
Uploaded 27 MAY 23
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