'Climbing Madame Mélanie Soupert' rose References
Website/Catalog (25 Apr 2014) Registered Name: 'Mme Mélanie Soupert, Climbing' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Mme Mélanie Soupert, Climbing Cl HT, op, 1914, Burrell; flowers dawn pink, becoming salmon pink, very large, dbl. [sport of Mme Mélanie Soupert]
Book (2007) Page(s) 133. 'Climbing Mme. Melanie Soupert'. (Burrell, 1914) HT. Spt. 'Mme. Melanie Soupert' (HT). Lt. cream to salmon yellow w/carmine.
Magazine (Mar 1922) Page(s) 310. [From "Rosiers grimpants Hybrides de thés, Thés et Noisette", by W. Easlea Danecroft, Seigh-on-Sea.] Climbing Mme Melanie Soupert (H. T.) est superbe, c'est une amélioration de la rose qui excite notre admiration, très vigoureuse.
Website/Catalog (1921) Page(s) 10. Roses. Climbing Madame Melanie Soupert, climbing sport from Mad. M. Soupert; class: Hybrid Tea; habit of growth: very vigorous.
Book (1917) Page(s) 26. Roses Worth While for Everybody by George C. Thomas, Jr. For climbing roses in the South, while the Wichuraiana and hardy Climbers will do well, their blooming season is so short compared with other roses which may be grown that they are not recommended. There are so many well-known Climbing Teas, Noisettes, and Climbing Hybrid Teas which give good results and from which bloom may be expected during the entire growing season, that it is not considered advisable to recommend as yet some of the newer European introductions of supposedly hardy roses which are put out as being of everblooming habit. Climbing Madame Melanie Soupert. Climbing Hybrid Tea. Salmon-yellow, suffused carmine; large, full, perfect form; has given more bloom than majority of the Climbing Hybrid Tea sports.
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 4. New Roses of other Raisers, 1914. The descriptions are those of the Raisers. Hybrid Tea. Climbing Mad. Melanie Soupert (J. Burrell and Co.). -- A vigorous climbing sport from Mme. M. Soupert, identical in colour, flowers of larger size and more substance. A valuable addition to perpetual flowering Climbing Roses. 5/- each.