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'Sweet 'n' Pink' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 13-775
most recent 3 OCT 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 21 AUG 06 by Janet ES

I have this rose since 1990 and I adore it. It smells heavenly - better than most Old Garden roses.

Grows wonderfully in So. California - disease resistant and always in bloom!

Reply #1 of 9 posted 24 JAN 07 by CindyH
Janet...I am in L.A. My gardener accidentally pulled this out of my garden and disposed of it. I cannot find it anywhere. Have you seen it since at any nursery in So Cal?

Reply #2 of 9 posted 24 JAN 07 by Janet ES
No I have not seen it in commerce - though it should be. I make cuttings every year and we auction them off in Aug. at the San Fernando Valley Rose Society potluck. They are very popular because I always win in fragrance at their little rose shows. I even took a blue ribbon in fragrance at the rose show at Descanso. I have one in a 2 gallon pot and more cuttings started.
Reply #3 of 9 posted 24 JAN 07 by CindyH
Do you sell? If not, then I will go to one of the shows and bid there.

I have a nice collection of old roses (about 100+) and I live in L.A. and am always looking for exciting offerings. I have never been to the SFV Rose Society so I will look into it. Thanks for the prompt response.
Reply #4 of 9 posted 24 JAN 07 by Janet ES
I would be happy to sell it as a donation to the San Fernando Valley Rose Society. I also belong to the Ventura Rose Society that cares for the Stagecoach Inn Museum Rose Garden which has old garden roses. Where do you live in LA?
Reply #5 of 9 posted 24 JAN 07 by CindyH
In L.A. near Hollywood, but I grew up in the SFV so I know the area well and I would be happy to drive to you. You let me know what you want.
Reply #6 of 9 posted 25 JAN 07 by Janet ES
We auctioned them off last summer (I had 4 of them) and they went from $15 to $20 each.
Would you be willing to spend at least $10 in a check made payable to either the San Fernando Valley Rose Society or Ventura Rose Society. I also have 2 gallon Climbing Pinkie, Weeping China Doll, among others. also. We are having a great auction of old garden roses - over 300 unusual roses at the Ventura Rose Society in Camarillo this Sat. from 1-4 pm. Go on line and look up Ventura Rose Society web site and you can see the list of fabulous roses that have come in from all around the country to auction off ( it helps to pay the rent for our monthly meetings and is tax deductible)
Janet Sklar
Reply #7 of 9 posted 10 JUL 13 by goncmg
Hi Janet ES....well, 6 years after this thread was you still grow Sweet-n-Pink? Would you be willing to maybe send a few bud eyes this fall in exchange for a donation? Or in exchange for bud eyes of anything I am growing?
Reply #8 of 9 posted 15 JUL 13 by Janet ES
I still have this rose - my mother plant is dying - 30 yrs. old, but I have 2 others that I can make cuttings from for you. I do not know about getting bud eyes for you - don't know how but I make cuttings for them each year and sell them as a donation to a rose society. I live in the San Fernando Valley so let me know how to get you the cutting.
This rose went out of commerce because it does not have the traditional bud form. The fragrance is superb and would be a great seller today after D. Austin roses.
Reply #9 of 9 posted 3 OCT 22 by AGBTG
Hi Janet ES, I know it's been a while but would you still be willing to accept a donation for cuttings of Sweet'n'Pink?
Discussion id : 64-874
most recent 7 JUN 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 JUN 12 by BarbaraG SE Virginia
Just saw-- and smelled-- this lovely rose at the Norfolk Botanical Garden. Big fragrant blooms with pleasing symmetry but rather flat (not globular). Fragrant is unforgettable. The color is very clear and pure, an old-rose color perfect for the rather old-fashioned blooms.
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