"Striped Jocelyn" rose Reviews & Comments
The STRIPED variety of Jocelyn is no longer available/sold at Rogue Valley Roses. They do still have Jocelyn, however, it is out-of-stock at the time of this posting. Is anyone aware of any other online, mail-order nurseries that you can purchase 'Striped Jocelyn' from? So gorgeous!
This striped sport is extinct now, I believe. I no longer have it.
#2 of 2 posted
29 MAR 23 by
Lee H.
There appears to be one member still growing it in California.
I can not wait for Rogue Valley Roses to offer this rose! It'll be Ultra Pampered!!! Congratulations on such a stunning sport Paul!
Hallo Paul,. An Australian Ladymailed to me that in my previous comment Iused an improperword to describe the kind of grafting I meant. In English it was incorrect too! Although this descr. is commonly professionally used in Holland and I grafted this way thousands of fruittrees in hundreds of varieties throughout the years. Tried it out on roses and they flourish! I looked it up in the "Grafters Handbook" from1946 with dozens and dozensof ways to graft. The properdescr. would be:"The(improved-) whip-and-tongue graft". I'm sorry when I may have offended some people by my choice of words, I did not mean to. Good luck by trying or maybe trying out other suggestions to graft from the handbook! Greetings from Jay-Jay.
Maybe you should try to graft this rose with the English copulation using unripe 'green' wood. Or even put appr.20 cm of 1 year old twigs in potting soil, or use the twig under the flower for that purpose. Good luck! Jay-Jay.