Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 244. 'JACale', F, yb, 1986; (Arc de Triomphe, Summer Fashion); description; PP005860M (Precilla X Bridal Pink); Warriner, William A.; J&P, 1985
Article (magazine) (Dec 1999) Page(s) 13. grow[s] more like a hybrid tea, producing one bloom per stem, with some clusters of perhaps three blooms...
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 84-85. Includes photo(s). One of Rayford Reddell's choices for its cut-flowers... pale yellow with pink... When petals first unfurl, pink is confined to their edges. As blossoms mature, pink becomes dominant...
Book (1993) Page(s) 191. Includes photo(s). ('Summer Fashion', 'Arc de Triomphe') A white Floribunda touched with pink on the petal edges. Warriner (USA) 1986. ('Precilla' x 'Bridal Pink')
Website/Catalog (1987) Page(s) 44-45(photo). Includes photo(s). Arc de Triomphe ® (Jacale) : d'un parfum intense, cette nouvelle variété nous convie au rêve. Ces grandes fleurs d'un nouveau coloris crème aux pétales bordés de rose, s'épanouissent lentement. Excellente variété remontante. Hauteur : 60/70 cm. Distance de plantation : 50 cm