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'Clematis hedysarifolia' clematis References
Magazine  (1816)  Page(s) tab 599.  Includes photo(s).
Clematis hedysarifolia. Birman Virgin's-Bower...
C. hedysarifolia, floribus paniculatis, foliis ternatim sectis, segmentis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis subintegris glabris ima basi 5-nerviis. Decand. loc. cit. [syst. nat.] 148.
It is from a sample gathered by Mr. Hore at Rangoon in the Birman empire, and deposited in the Banksian Herbarium, that this species has been published by M. De Candolle under the above totle. Of the immediate source from whence the plant has found its way here we are not aware, but should think from the botanic garden of calcutta, now become the depository from which the plants of the more distanta nd sequestered quarters of India are daily transmitted to this country.
The drawing was made at the Nursery of Messrs. Colvill, in the King's Road, Chelsea; where the plant is cultivated in the hothouse and flowers about October. we do not believe that it is yet in any other collection.
The genus Clematis has been remodelled by M. De Candolle in four sections or sub-genera, under the titles Flammula, Viticella, Cheiropsis, and Athragene; comprising together 83 ascertained species, and 3 doubtful ones; by some one or other of which its type is disseminated over nearly every part of the globe.
Hedysarifolium is a suffrutescent evergreen climber: branches roundish, thinly sprinkled with very fine soft hairs. leaves decussately opposite, with wide intervals between the pairs, outspread, ternate: common petiole purplish, slightly hairy, an inch and a half long or more, sometimes (especilly in the leaves next the flowers) tendril-like and prehensile; leaflets coriaceous, cinerously green, petioled, ovately oblong, entire, taper-pointed, 3-nerved. Panicles terminal and axillary, pendulous, elongatedly thyrsiform, many-flowered, branchlets stiff, decussately opposite and wide apart: pedicles slender, villous, bearing two small opposite abortive buds below their middle. Flowers white, furred on the outside, about 2/3 of an inch in diameter. Petals 4, ovally oblong, equal, ob^tuse, cruciately rotate, caducous. stamens cream-coloured, upright, about 1/4 shorter than the petals, many, smooth: filaments compressedly filiform: anthers of the same colour, linearly oblong, upright with a short obtuse point and a flattish receptacle. Pistils longer than the stamens, greenish; germens with long upright hair; styles thrice shorter than these, bare, recurved and spreading.
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