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'Eldans' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 79-631
most recent 9 MAY 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 JUL 14 by Patricia Routley
Is “Jaycee Park” ‘Danse du Feu’?

The pollen parent of ‘Danse du Feu’ (syn ‘Spectacular’) is said to be a multiflora seedling. I am fairly sure “Jaycee Park” is ‘Danse du Feu’ but the leaves are broad-ended, deep green and thick and shiny leaves. They do not look like multiflora leaves. And yet I can see those same deep green leaves of my foundling in Botanica’s p563 full page photo; and in Beales 1988 p86 photo; and also in the excellent illustration in Michael Gibson’s 1980 p179 illustration. Perhaps Norman Young was right when he wrote (1971 ref) “‘Danse du Feu’ and ‘Gruss an Teplitz’ are mongrels which cannot be placed in any botanical class.”

The number of thick petals on “Jaycee Park” has been counted as 16. I will have to re-count next spring because early references for ‘Danse du Feu’ has been counted as 35 (1957 ref), 30-35 (1965 ref) and 23 (Harkness 1967). Jack Harkness I trust. Of course the original plant has probably had no food for decades and my plants are still less than a year old. They may yet increase their petal count.

There was only one mention of hips – and that was from Jack Harkness in 1978 where he gave them a 3 rating (on an ascending scale of merit from 1 to 10). At least he saw hips and so far I haven’t.
Actually the Patent for 'Danse du Feu' says it sets no hips.

There are many references which mention orange in the colour. Too many to ignore, but I have not seen any orange at all in my scarlet-red blooms.

The FORs:
I am reassured by the colour of the photos in the 1980, 1988 and 1998 references. “Jaycee Park” starts out as an arterial blood colour and changes later to a veinal blood colour – and I think that is a b….y good colour description. This change of colour to crimson purple (as in my photo 549 038) is confirmed in many references.

A china stripe in my rose is visible in the 1988 reference photo, and it is also mentioned in the 2000 reference.

Petals. Those broad heart-shaped petals which roll longitudinally to form tubes (and which led me up the garden path with ‘Red-Letter Day’ for a while there) have not been seen in any photos of ‘Danse du Feu’, although the Beales 1988 photo comes close with the straight edge of the petal. The tube-like petals were seen mainly in my new potted plants and rarely on the original bush.

The buds are medium size, pointed and ovoid. In the 1998 reference for 'Danse du Feu' they are said to be “short”.

“Jaycee Park repeats, as does ‘Danse du Feu’.

The foundling is certainly susceptible to black spot, more so than most of my roses here. The leaves look to be thick and almost immune, but they quickly succumb and the 1998 reference confirms this susceptibility.

The foliage looks identical. I am comparing my photos 549 020 and 549 019 and 549 032 with those wonderful 1980, 1988 and 1998 illustrations where the deep green, broad-ended leaves are shown with some clarity.

Latet edit: conserving information on this foundling before deleting it and then merging with ‘Danse du Feu’.
Found by Patricia Routley, 2013 on old garden site, now called Jaycee Park, Manjimup, Western Australia.
RECEPTACLE Smooth. Slender, narrowing at the rim.
INFLORESCENCE Possibly small clusters. Certainly two flowers from the same point in my photo no. 23
BUD - colour Dark red. Medium size. Pointed. Ovoid. Not large or long or slender.
BLOOM FORM Semi double. The young plants still in pots have more cactus-shaped blooms than the original bush had. Petals roll longitudinally to form ‘tubes’.
BLOOM PETALS 16 thick, broad, heart-shaped. Edges roll under
BLOOM COLOUR A change to dusky vinous pink (as in Tea Roses, p206) occurs in old blooms in hot weather
BLOOM PEDICEL Stiff. Almost smooth, but a few glands
BLOOM ANTHER Colour brown
= BLOOM STAMEN or male organ 8mm
BLOOM STIGMAS Colour cream to pale brown
= BLOOM PISTIL or female organ 4mm Free
HIP. Pedicels are dropping off with no hip set
LEAVES Five. dark green, thick, shiny. Deeply serrated.
CANES. Young - green.
PRICKLES Possibly caducous. Newer canes have many prickles
Reply #1 of 3 posted 8 MAY 23 by ThomasR
Hi Patricia, I came upon your comment while trying to identify a rose that could be Danse Du Feu (or Soraya Cl ?). What stroke me with the rose I am investigating, apart from the orange/purple shade, is the mass of white/pale stigmas surrounded by a row of yellow anthers, as in the 1955 picture (where it looks yellower than in my picture). Best regards, Thomas.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 8 MAY 23 by Patricia Routley
You have made a most interesting point Thomas. We are just entering winter here (with no blooms) but I will make a diary note to photograph the stigmas on my foundling next season. From memory, it was the photographed leaf of ‘Danse du Feu’ in the literature which led me to my identification.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 9 MAY 23 by ThomasR
There are pictures of Danse du Feu, Soraya and Soraya Cl, including botanical boards, on the Roseraie de l'Hay/Rosiers du Val de Marne's website. Although the roses look different on botanical boards, it is still confusing to notice the similarities between these roses when focusing on the blooms, especially considering their color was considered new at the time ! And their lineages are so different !
Discussion id : 77-705
most recent 19 APR 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 APR 14 by Patricia Routley

I’ve added “red stamens” to the ‘Midnight Sun’ page. I can see red stamens in one of Eric’s ‘Midnight Sun’ photos, but note here Mistydowns 2002 reference to “golden stamens” (and Golden Vale’s 2000 reference “stamens prominent”).

“Jaycee Park” (yellow stamens) is not ‘Midnight Sun’ (red stamens) as in addition, the 1922, 1924 and 1929 references to MS all say “one bloom per stalk”. Eric’s photo of the MS bush bears this out. My “Jaycee Park” photo 549 023 shows a small cluster.
It is possible that “Jaycee Park” could be the same as “Bishop’s Lodge Linton Boy”, but Margaret has pictured one hip on BLLB, and to date no hips have been sighted on “Jaycee Park”.
I would love to see more photos and comments on the absence or presence of hips on “Bishop’s Lodge Linton Boy”.

Joanne Knight in New Zealand has advised that the ‘Red-Letter Day’ foundling plants all set good hips.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 19 APR 14 by billy teabag
Thanks very much for that Patricia.
Perhaps Mistydowns reference to 'golden stamens' was anther or pollen colour. Some of these single and semi-double roses are so golden with pollen you might not notice the filaments.
Discussion id : 74-322
most recent 29 SEP 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 SEP 13 by Renato Emma
Syn.'Spectacular', 'Mada'
Rosa rampicante Floribunda/Grandiflora, a portamento ramificato, vigoroso, ricurvo. Fogliame lucido, denso, verde scuro. Fiori md/grandi, arancio-scarlatto intenso, prodotti in mazzi. Forte fragranza fruttata. Mediamente resistente alle malattie. Molto rustica. Rifiorente. H.4mt L.3mt. Una delle rose rampicanti piu' affidabili. Fiori adatti x il taglio.
(ROSACEAE) (Charles Mallerin, Francia, 1953)
Discussion id : 7-143
most recent 9 MAR 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 6 NOV 04 by Unregistered Guest
I am starting my first ever garden and have been given a Danse du Feu rose to grow in my garden. I live in Switzerland in a small village at 1200m. I have planted the rose on a south facing wall which is the front of my house. How should I prune it, how should I fertilise it and if it is a soggy mess when the snow melts what could I try next year?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 MAR 11 by anonymous-517321
It looks like I'm the first to reply to you, so I'll offer what I know about Danse du Feu. I have just found the label for this rose under the climber which has been on the front wall of our cottage for almost 15 years. I had long forgotten the name of the variety. For the first few years it did very well and had beautiful blooms. It has always been very susceptible to black spot, and I put quite a lot of work into it at first. I'm afraid I let it go quite a bit in favor of other roses in the garden (we have over 50), and it had problems. I cut it way back, and last year it recovered on it's own and is putting out new growth now. I resolve to treat it better and bring back its former glory. All of this is by way of saying that they are very resilient, put up with a lot, can be very beautiful, and need attention. We are also up high, in the foothills of the Blue Stack Mountains, in County Donegal Ireland, so both Northern and at some altitude although I don't know what exactly. I think your rose will do just fine on its Southern wall. Ours is facing East, another drawback. We have harsh weather, and I don't think your snow will harm it a bit. Probably some pruning of any thin, spindly, sickly shoots, definitely pruning all dead wood and diseased matter, spraying for blackspot and good fertilization will be very good for it. And you'll love your flowers. Good Luck!
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