'Rosea' rose Reviews & Comments
Who am I??? Please see the four pictures just posted. Bought this rose last summer from Lowe's big box store as a "rambler." Undoubtedly, it is mislabeled, but I would sure like to know who it is. Also obvious that it is a different rose than is grown by the only other poster under this listing -- Teddy63. Grows cleanly with no disease and rampantly here in SoCal, blooms with some repeat, and it blooms along the stem, climber-like. Foliage is small compared to 3 inch flatish bloom size. Please chime in here if you have any info or guesses.
I also found it on Lowe's website with same info as is on the label. See, https://www.lowes.com/cd_Lowes+Plant+Guide_253427968_?url=plant.aspx?code=L26944
Initial post
10 SEP 16 by
today I just missed out on our buying a pink banksia rose or that is what the plant stall operator was selling it as. It was at the Crows Nest Uniting Church Fair at Crows Nest in Queensland, Australia. It looked a lot like 'Red Cascade' foliage to me. No flowers on the plant. I wished I had been a little quicker to purchase this $3.00 cutting grown plant. Does anyone know if it is available in Australia? Or this just a local name?
I've heard the term "Pink banksia" used for Dorothy Perkins. That might have been a lucky miss, Bonita!
#2 of 4 posted
10 SEP 16 by
Perhaps it was Dorothy herself. She who has mildewed her way across Europe I hear.
Lurks on roadsides in the Adelaide Hills, too.
Pat Toolan loaned me a 2000 catalogue once for Rose Cottage Nursery at 24 Second Street, Gawler South, S.A. in 2009 which listed a 'Pink Banksia' with the description - colour varies between light to medium pink blooms.
(When all others have been and gone, 'Dorothy Perkins' and 'Excelsa' are the pride of the fences in December here. No mildew at all.)
The Rose: its History, Poetry, Culture, and Classification (1856) S. B. Parsons (appendix) Commercial Garden and Nursery of Parsons & Co., Flushing, near New York. p. 34 1957 – Banksia Rosea - Rose colored, hardy.
There are some really odd dates there Karl?
#2 of 3 posted
25 AUG 15 by
Dear Patricia, The reference should be "No. 1957". 'Banksia Rosea' is listed under "Miscellaneous Climbing Roses" Karl
History of the Rose (1954) p. 88 Roy Shepherd Although explorers have reported finding a pink form in China, it has never been introduced, and the only variety of that shade is Rosea, a hybrid created by Boursault in 1824, by crossing the double white form with a garden rose of unknown identity. The flowers are larger but not as full as the Double Banks Rose, though the plant is more hardy. This was the best of many Banksiae seedlings raised by Boursault in his conservatory near Paris from a plant that he had brought from England in 1817.
Aha - a breeder and a date.