'Sheer Bliss' rose Reviews & Comments
One of the easiest HTs I have ever grown. Bolt upright, turbo vigor. Very fragrant.
Here is the bad news: This rose is on par with Folklore with its addiction to powdery mildew, even in the Pacific Northwest, where it is a less common disease.
Who bred ‘Sheer Bliss’? The 2000 reference says Jerry Twomey bred ‘Sheer Bliss.’ Other records say William Warriner bred it.
#1 of 4 posted
9 MAR 23 by
Believe there has been confusion between Sheer Bliss (JACtro) and Sheer Elegance (TWObe).
Check out the US and Australian plant patents for Sheer Bliss (JACtro): USA: White Masterpiece X Grand Masterpiece. Aust: Pristine X Unnamed Seedling
US patent for Sheer Elegance (TWObe) Pristine X Fortuna (unpatented).
This suggests that maybe the Australian agent made a mistake with the paper work.
Sorry Johno, I can’t find my way around the Patents. Dick Streeper was an American rosarian and I quote from the Internet: “The San Diego Rose Society bestowed numerous honors on Mr. Streeper, including the Bronze Medal and designation as president emeritus in 2009. The American Rose Society honored him in 2004 with the Klima Medal for outstanding rose education. He served as regional and district director for the national society from 1988 to 1994.”
He was writing in an English magazine about Jerry Twomey and his roses. I have added one more paragraph to the 2000 reference: “much of his breeding programme is founded in ‘White Masterpiece’.” - coincidentally the seed parent of ‘Sheer Bliss‘.
#3 of 4 posted
9 MAR 23 by
We have only 'Dream Pink' by Jerry Twomey having 'White Masterpiece' as a parent, but several roses from Warriner. Twomey's roses have the breeder code TWO... I think Dick Streeper has erred in his 2000 article
Thank you Jedmar. I appreciate your thoughts.
Initial post
25 JAN 22 by
I tried to enroll for Premium membership however i think the transaction did not go ahead or possibly failed twice. I got a message that is has held Rs.1/- on my card and then reversed the entry. So please can you confirm.
Best Regards Bhushan Khare
It does not appear to have gone through. Thank you for wanting to support HelpMeFind.
#3 of 4 posted
22 FEB 22 by
I tried again to pay for premium membership but the payment failed again. What is the alternative method to pay ?
Regards Bhushan
I will ask the sales person to contact you directly and sort this out.
My Sheer Bliss is a big disappointment this year. The growth, in general, is stunted and the blooms are greenish white and deformed. Is this a condition I can correct or has this rose reached the end of its life?
How old is your plant?? Also, is it own rooted or is it a grafted rose??? Own root bushes tend to live longer as the graft of budded roses sometimes almost seems to "burn out" and the rose begins to decline and eventually die. A grafted rose generally does very well for 10-12 years and then you might start to see the decline has been my experience. An own root bush however can live for many years. I have neighbor with a Peace bush that is 40+years old and still going strong. If your bush is still relatively young, your problem could be nutritional in nature. It could be that it needs more or a different fertilizer. Lastly, I would suggest to check the root system out as best as you can to make sure there is no crown gall or any type of pest problem disturbing the roots. I hope this helps,
Good Gardening, John
I notice you are not far from me in Calif. I live in the San Francisco Bay area ( silicon valley ). My Sheer Bliss hasn't done much at all past few years in spite of roses next to it thriving. It was lots better years ago; it may be time for me to dig it up since it got rust lately when almost none of my other roses did.