'Sharon's Delight™' rose Reviews & Comments
This rose has been reclassified as a mini-flora now by the ARS.
Kathy, I cannot find this rose at all in the Modern Roses database, either under Sharon's Delight or MORsharon?
Should be there under both. If it's not, I'll enquire. But FYI, ARS is coming out with a newly revamped database in early July.
I could not see it. Can you?
This rose should be a floribunda. Too big of a flower for MF.
Disagree. I showed it yesterday at the San Diego county fair as a miniflora single and it won its class. It is the same size as several other miniflora singles -- Poppy, Sunglow, Maroon 8, Tom Mayhew. It would be much too small to compete in the floribunda single classes like Playboy and Playgirl. The plant itself is also quite small for me -- good for a pot which is how I have it.
Mine is the size of Paul Eckes, Jr
Paul Ecke Jr. is not a florabunda -- it is officially classed as a "shrub." Moreover, here it has smaller miniflora-like size flowers, but generally in large, fairly widely spaced clusters, on a big plant. Shannon's Delight generally forms its blooms singly, and on a small plant. The possible variations on plant size and bloom type in roses are endless, and any classification system is bound to have outliers. C'est la vie.