'Barry Fearn' rose Reviews & Comments
is this bigger and better than ink spot and black beccara??
Its bigger. I don't know about better. SOme of the 80s/90s red HTs from Kordes had neat blooms and odd plants, except Liebezauber, which is a giant among HTs.
orign: 'Konrad Henkel' x 'unnamed seedling' ( see PBR Patent)
cheers Bernhard
Initial post
12 FEB 05 by
Unregistered Guest
What are the distinguishing characteristics which identify this rose, "Schwarze Madonna", from Tantau's rose "Black Lady"? I have actually picked up a nursery rose list which said "Black Madonna" and when I asked them which of the two roses it was, they didn't know. The photos on the page for "Black Lady" seem to show glossy foliage; is SM's foliage glossy?
This was a fun research project for me today. HelpMeFind has greatly enhanced the search function on the site so that we can do these kinds of comparisons. Of course, we are still in the process of entering information into the data fields, so it will be a while before the feature is fully activated.
I have updated the rose pages for 'Black Lady' and 'Schwarze Madonna' for all of the information I have been able to find today.
There are four primary differences between these roses: 1. 'Black Lady' has a short-to-medium bushy growth habit, while 'Schwaze Madonna' has been reported to be both low growing and tall, but also has a bushy growth habit. 2. 'Black Lady' is reported to be strongly frangrant while 'Schwarze Madonna' has a mild or light fragrance. 3. 'Black Lady' has matte foliage while 'Schwarze Madonna' has glossy foliage. 4. While both roses are listed as "double" (17-25 petals), 'Schwarze Madonna' is generally described as being "very double".
Re: Your reference to 'Black Madonna' --- This name is also used for 'Schwarze Madonna'.
The parentage of both roses was not disclosed by the breeders.
I hope this helps.
Smiles, Lyn helpmefind.com
#2 of 3 posted
10 JAN 07 by
Wow Lyn, excellent investigative work! A truly "Rose Detective"! hee
#3 of 3 posted
9 FEB 07 by
Unregistered Guest
Thank you for your superb answer to my original question. I just planted Schwarze Madonna today and now await to observe both bushes when they grow and bloom this summer - that is, if the Black Lady is correctly labeled from it's source;-) Maryann