'Rugelda ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Based on some of the growth habit comments I've read, would this make a good (albeit short-ish) pillar rose? I have a space between our windows on the east side of our Zone 5 brick house that might be a good pace for this rose, but the yard there is about 10 feet wide, so I don't want a rose that will reach out and 'grab' you as you pass by. Thoughts?
Given the parentage of a triploid with a tetraploid, I believe this is one of the very few rugosas that are fully tetraploid.
It is, although there are many Canadian hybrids that are as well.
Initial post
8 APR 08 by
Unregistered Guest
I believe Rugelda is more cold-tollerant than 5B. Here in northwest New Jersey I am in a high altitude and mountainous location with high winds in winter where I grow mostly zone 4 roses and this one has survived a number of years. It isn't bushy, mostly lanky but healthy with roses that repeat a few times during the season. The color is very pretty, a nice shade of yellow with just a little red around the edge of the petals. Mine grows in a slightly shaded spot. I would recommend it as few roses are really continuous anyway such as "Knock Out."
This is great insight - exactly the kind of feedback that makes HMF so useful. Thanks !
#2 of 3 posted
14 JUL 08 by
this is my Rugelda's second year in zone 5b and it heavily winterkilled last winter but is back with force this year. It does seem to reach out like a rambler! chris in ct.
I grow Rugelda in Zone 3. It had died back to the ground but has since grown back is now a robust 4" tall.
Initial post
5 NOV 07 by
the foliage is like holly, so shiny and dark green! chris