'Carnival' rose References
Website/Catalog (30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 2. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 35. Includes photo(s). Rosie O'Donnell Hybrid Tea... Pure red with a yellow reverse... Winchel 2000... Best form and size in moderate temps...
Magazine (Jan 1999) Page(s) 35. WEKwinwin (Rosie O'Donnell; 'Ninety-Niner; 'Win-Win'); Hybrid tea; red blend; Joseph Winchel.
Book (1999) Page(s) 100. Geoff Swane, NSW. Swane's New Rose Introductions for 1999. New Era (WEKwinwin) Hybrid Tea. Large, knock-out bi-coloured blooms up to 12cm across have strong, pure-red petals with clear yellow reverse. A stunning rose for display or cutting, the mildly tea fragrant blooms are carried on medium to long stems with rich-green, disease resistant foliage. The bush is upright to slightly spreading, of medium height.