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'Ida' peony References
Website/Catalog  (1867)  Page(s) 45.  
Assortiment de pivoines en arbre, cultivé dans notre établissement. Variétés à fleurs roses.
Ida. Pétales rose pâles, striés de jaune paille et nuancés de vert avant l'épanouissement; périgynion rose. ...15 Francs
Website/Catalog  (1861)  Page(s) 58.  
New Chinese Tree Paeonias introduced by Mr. R. Fortune.
The following magnificent tree-like peonies surpass by the gloss of their colours and the size of their blooms all variety known to-date and distinguish themselves namely also by their partly pure white, partly dark red colouring from all known varieties.
70. Ida, glossy white and double....1 Prussian Thaler 15 Neugroschen
Website/Catalog  (1860)  Page(s) 28.  
Chinese Tree Pæonies. — Pæonia Moutan.
These are the most splendid and showy of all flowering shrubs, and among the most rare.
The flowers are mostly fragrant, and all are double, unless denoted otherwise.  They are perfectly hardy, and will withstand the winters of our most northern States and the Canadas.  They bloom in May, ten to fifteen days before the Chinese Herbaceous varieties.
The following are distinct new Chinese Varieties obtained by Robert Fortune; and, as they are the most rare and valuable varieties, the prices will be regulated according to their size.
131.  Ida.
Magazine  (4 Apr 1857)  Page(s) 111-112.  
Annales d'horticulture et de botanique, ou flore des jardins du royaume des Pays-Bas. publiée par la Société d'horticulture des PaysBas et rédigée par de Siebold et de Vriese.
Das 1. Heft dieses längst erwarteten Journales, was sich die Bekanntmachung der Kultur-, Schmuck- und Zierpflanzen, in sofern diese aus den niederländischen Kolonien in Amerika und in Asien, einschliesslich Japan's, stammen, zur hauptsächlichen Aufgabe gestellt hat, liegt uns vor. Der Inhalt ist mannigfaltig und interessant, wie man auch nicht anders erwarten kann. Der Reigen wird mit der Beschreibung und Abbildung einer Form der baumartigen Gichtrose (Paeonia Moutan Sims), die den Namen Impératrice de France führt, eröffnet. Es ist eine schöne einfache Blume von pfirsichrother Farbe mit etwas gefranzt-gezähnten Blumenblättern. Die von v. Siebold aus Japan mitgebrachten 42 Sorten sind von denen, welche von Fortune aus China nach England gebracht wurden, verschieden und zeichnen sich besonders durch ihre bedeutendere Grösse (30–36 Centimeter, also oft über 1 Fuss im Durchmesser) aus. Die ersten 12 Sorten, welche 1848 blühten, sind in den Besitz des Prinzen Friedrich der Niederlande übergegangen. ....Rosa sind die Blumen bei: ....Ida....

The 1. issue of this long-awaited journal, which has made its main task the publication of cultivated, ornamental and ornamental plants, insofar as they come from the Dutch colonies in America and in Asia, including Japan, is in front of us. The content is varied and interesting, as you cannot expect otherwise. The round is opened with the description and illustration of a form of tree-like gout rose (Paeonia Moutan Sims), which bears the name Impératrice de France. It is a beautiful simple flower of a peach-red color with some fringed-toothed petals. The 42 varieties brought from Japan ny v. Siebold are different from those brought to England by Fortune from China and are particularly notable for their larger size (30–36 centimeters, often over 1 foot in diameter). The first 12 varieties that bloomed in 1848 became the property of Prince Frederick of the Netherlands.
Of the rest are flowers: ....Ida...

[See 'Germania' for full list in article]
Magazine  (1855)  Page(s) 32.  
Of the many remarkable plants imported by us from China, these, if judged by the size and beauty of their flowers, are among the most attractive. In the magnitude of their individual blossoms, in the diversity and richness of their colours, as well as in the profusion in which they are produced, nothing remains to be desired. The following sketch will afford an idea of their general characters. First, of colour: of white there are examples unsurpassed in intensity and clearness by any other flower, not excepting even the old double white Camellia. Of rose colours there are many shades, as well as of purples, and one rivalling the richness of the Tuscan rose. Then there is a pale blush, light red, deep red, salmon colour, primrose, peach colour, and crimson; with various other tints and combinations of these already mentioned. Some of the light-coloured ones have the bases of their petals deeply stained with red or purple; others are delicately shaded. Most of the flowers are very double; some are, however, only semi-double, the latter generally have the petals stained as described. In shape many are finely cupped; more resemble the finest rose, and others have anemone flowers. Of the last named, a white and a deep red are fine examples. In size, too, they are remarkable; some of the flowers produced last season, and from small plants, measured eight, ten, and twelve inches across.....
Ida, French white.
Book  (Mar 1852)  Page(s) 52.  
Plantes envoyées par Mr. Ph. Fr. von Siebold, à Leyden.
Concours no. 24.
3739  Pæonia Moutan Ida.  

Les pivoines en arbre, importées du Japon par Mr. von Siebold en 1844 dans son établissement à Leyden, sont depuis 1850 cultivées et multipliées par ses soins de Mr. Baumann, à Gand.
Magazine  (Oct 1850)  Page(s) 243.  
It is said the Chinese reckon their varieties of Moutans by hundreds, as we do with Roses and other flowers in this country. Dr. Siebold obtained from the Imperial Gardens of Jeddo and Mijako all the finest sorts known in Japan, and cultivates them in his nursery at Leyden.  The following are in his enumerated list:
Ida.  Petals pale rose (streaked with straw colour, and tinged with green before expansion).  Disk (centre) pink.
Magazine  (1850)  
Supplément au Prix-Courant de l'Automne 1849 et Printemps 1850.
Joseph Baumann a l'honneur d'informer MM. les Amateurs et Horticulteurs que M.Von Siebold, lors de son séjour à Gand, lui a confié le soin et la multiplication de sa riche et belle collection de PIVOINES EN ARBRE (Pæonia Moutan), introduite directement par lui du Japon en Europe, et qui a été exposée pendant sa floraison, dans le Jardin de la Société royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand (Casino). – La mise en vente de cette collection se fera par voie de souscription et d'après les conditions énoncées ci-après. Les personnes qui désirent souscrire peuvent s'adresser à l'établissement de J. Baumann.
...Cette collection se compose de trente-cinq variétés: 
10. Ida. Pétales rose pâle (strié de jaune paille et nuancé de vert avant l'épanouissement), périgynion rose.

[See 'Germania' for full text by Siebold of his importation]
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