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'Rosa nutkana Presl var. nutkana' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 64-032
most recent 4 MAY 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 MAY 12 by CybeRose
American Rose Annual p. 170 (1921)
A Hybrid with Rosa nutkana.—From Mr. George Fraser, of Ucluelet, B. C, comes a most interesting picture (unfortunately not here reproducible) of a rose hybrid between the well-known American variety, Richmond, and the native R. nutkana, the latter being the pollen parent. It was, as Mr. Fraser writes, "A beautiful almost crimson variety of our native wild Rosa nutkana, and flowered in the spring of 1919 while still in the seed-box. Its color is almost the same shade as Reine Marie Henriette." This cross did not happen by accident, for, as Mr. Fraser in another letter observes, he had "tried for three summers running to cross R. nutkana, using it as the seed parent, but without success. I made perhaps 400 crosses with mixed pollen from some 50 varieties, also of species of every kind that I could lay my hands upon, including several American natives. Then I tried it as the pollen parent, using the almost crimson variety growing a few miles from here on the sand hills." The result was the seedling of which Mr. Fraser sent to the Editor a photograph, it being the only one so far of five hybrids to flower. A second photograph shows the bud to have a very pleasing shape.
Discussion id : 42-318
most recent 6 FEB 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 FEB 10 by meltemi
Available from - Il Giardino dell Rose
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