'Duchess of Teck' peony References
Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 12. Kelway's Peonies. Kelway, of England, has produced some very fine varieties, such as Baroness Schroeder, James Kelway, Lady Alexandra Duff, and various other sorts. Duchess of Teck. Large, globular, rose-type; brilliant rose, with fiery reflex, edges of petals changing to silvery white. Very distinct and beautiful. $1.00.
Website/Catalog (1909) Page(s) 7. Double Herbaceous Peonies 50 cents each; $5.00 per dozen. Duchess of Teck, creamy white or pink; early.
Website/Catalog (1891) Page(s) 35. Double Herbaceous Pæonies for 1891. Duchess of Teck, an excellent variety, large and of good form, attractively coloured, creamy-white and bright pink. First-class Certificate, R.B.S., June 11th, 1890. Award of Merit, R.H.S., June 10th, 1890.
Magazine (14 Jun 1890) Page(s) 561. Pæonies.—Amongst the Pæonies shown by Messrs. Kelway and Son, Langport, Somerset, were several new kinds, of which the following were each given an award of merit: Stanley, an intense crimson-coloured single flower, the deepest we know of its shade; Princess Mary, a very double pale lemon-yellow variety of charming beauty; Sainfoin, the most striking of all, the flowers very full, large and brilliant, self rose; and Duchess of Teck, the guard florets of which are pale rose, the centre of the bloom creamy-white.