'Rosier nain de Pensylvanie' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - Naturescapes of Beaufort, SC https://naturescapesofbeaufort.com/product/rosa-carolina-carolina-rose/
I have a large patch of species roses derived from cuttings taken from wild plants of R. carolina and from an R. palustris plant purchased from a NC garden. They were placed on opposite sides of a wet drainage area but have since blended together. I was initially surprised that R. carolina seemed to more vigorously invade the wet area through suckers than did R. palustris. My question now is how to tell the species apart as they are very much alike in terms of appearance of stems, leaves, flowers, hips and prickles; phenology; size; etc. "Plant Life of Kentucky" by Ron Jones separates them by 5-7 leaf teeth per cm that are 1 mm high (R. carolina) versus 9-11 teeth per cm that are 0.5 mm high (R. palustris). This is not working for me. I would appreciate any suggestions or insights as to how these two species may be distinguished.
#1 of 2 posted
2 NOV 18 by
There is a key to American species in Flora of North America: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=318049
Comparing R. palustris (11) with R. carolina (13): R. palustris: Terminal leaflet margins...serrulate; teeth 20-30 per side; auricles erect, rarely flared... R. carolina (and R. foliolosa & R. virginiana): Terminal leaflets margins serrate, 8-18(-23) per side; auricles flared...
Now this needs some graphics. See here: https://eflora.library.sydney.edu.au/glossary/image/ It means that R. palustris leaves have very fine teeth on the edges, R. carolina maybe half as many.
The auricles refer to where the leaf is attached to the stem: http://caes2.caes.uga.edu/commodities/turfgrass/georgiaturf/Turfgras/1130_DiagramParts.htm
Hope that helps.
#2 of 2 posted
2 NOV 18 by
Thanks, jedmar. Based on this key all my plants are R. carolina; the plant I purchased as R. palustris must have been mis-labelled. What I find interesting is that the R. carolina is aggressively spreading into a wet drain occupied by Southern Cattail (Typha domingensis Pers.) and other wet site species. It's hard to imagine that R. palustris could be more adapted to wet soils than this. I will get some true R. palustris and plant them to compare. I appreciate your help. Paul
So I have heard from a few people that this rose reblooms. I personally haven't seen it, but I think this rose gets confused with virginiana. That's probably why my "carolina" isn't working. Lol. I poked it with a stick and it didn't do nothin'!
Perhaps you could try the chainsaw dance...
Available from - Prairie Moon Nursery prairiemoon.com