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'Bracteate Rose' Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 132-045
most recent 17 MAR 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 MAR 22 by CybeRose
Is the scent continuous, or does it vary with the time of day? The note about bees spending the night in the flowers is most interesting. Do the flowers close at night as with Clinophylla?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 17 MAR 22 by Plazbo
I think they close....but no flowers on my bracteata to confirm. There's a lot of hips I need to remove before it's likely to flower again (and it's autumn now so...may be awhile)
Discussion id : 123-594
most recent 30 OCT 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 OCT 20 by Singularly Beautiful Roses
Question about the comment at the bottom of the Description page. It says, "not consistently hardy below zone 7 in the USA." Does "below" mean a lower number such as zone 5 or does it mean south of zone 7? If the latter, isn't that an error?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 30 OCT 20 by jedmar
It means Zones 4-6, which are colder. We will change the wording to "lower than"
Reply #2 of 2 posted 30 OCT 20 by Singularly Beautiful Roses
Perhaps "colder than"? Thanks for the fast reply!!
Discussion id : 111-417
most recent 11 JUN 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 JUN 18 by Darrell
Re: Rosa bracteata, the Macartney Rose: Why is the date given as 1765 for Lord Macartney's discovery (actually it was George Staunton's discovery) when he did not see the rose until 1793 on his mission to China?
Discussion id : 110-001
most recent 20 MAY 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 APR 18 by JasonSims1984
Are there any bracteata x rugosa crosses out there? I would be really fascinated to see what could come of that. It would be like a monster race of roses that would invade the planet! Seriously though, I would love to develop a new rose class. Kordesii is similar, but imagine a rose that would not only thrive everywhere, it would be dangerously invasive. Then use that as a parent with hybrid teas to make roses an easy garden plant again. Roses that could sucker around and end up being found in the wild 100 years from now, like harrisonii. Also, I love the potential of having new remontancy genes from species that haven't been used yet. Maybe, when 5 or more kinds of remontant genetic lines synergize, there could be a rose that would put on the kind of display a once-bloomer does, but do it all year around. 100+ flowers open at once, on a daily basis.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 15 APR 18 by Jay-Jay
Yes there are... Did You check the offspring in the lineage tab?
Reply #2 of 5 posted 20 MAY 18 by JasonSims1984
I found pink surprise and bought that. Does anyone have experience with bracteata hybridizing? I know Ralph Moore did a lot with miniatures. I want to create bracteata roses that are more hardy than the species or its more well known hybrids alba odorata and mermaid. I bet the trick will be using an improved fertility parent like Muriel.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 20 MAY 18 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
I've created many bracteata derivatives using Moore, Viraraghavan, and Harkness genetics. Most are not listed at HMF.

The species itself is not easy to work with.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 20 MAY 18 by JasonSims1984
I have seen your amazing diversity of seedlings, but never noticed the bracteata crosses. Do you still have any of them, and can I entice you with some Iris or daylilies, or even a stapeliad or orchid? [I'm nearly 100 percent certain that I couldn't possibly have a rose that you don't already have.] hehe. :)
Reply #5 of 5 posted 20 MAY 18 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Maybe a Stapelia. ;-)

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