'Macartney Rose' Description
Photo courtesy of David Elliott
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White, near white or white blend Species. Exhibition name: R. bracteata
Discovered by Lord Macartney (United Kingdom, 1793). Introduced in France by Cels frères in 1798 as 'R. bracteata'. Introduced in Australia by Camden Park in 1843 as 'R. bracteata'.
White. Fragrant stamens. Strong, unpleasant fragrance. Average diameter 2". Medium, single (4-8 petals), borne mostly solitary, in small clusters bloom form. Moderate, blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Climbing. Glossy foliage.
Height: up to 8' (up to 245cm). Width: up to 8' (up to 245cm).
USDA zone 7a through 11. Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
If you know the parentage of this rose, or other details, please contact us.
R. bracteata J.C.Wendl (1798). Section Bracteatae. According to Japanese research, this rose was introduced to Japan from Luzon Island, the Philippines, in 1828. Not consistently hardy colder than Zone 7 in the USA. In Victoria BC Canada this rose starts flowering late but then blooms continuously till the first frost (November) Distinct woolly round hips (see description by Lindley 1820).