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'Cavalleria Rusticana' peony References
Website/Catalog  (1912)  Page(s) 11.  
Kelway's Peonies.
Kelway, of England, has produced some very fine varieties, such as Baroness Schroeder, James Kelway, Lady Alexandra Duff, and various other sorts.
Cavalleria Rusticana Large, compact, globular, semi-rose type. Dark violet-crimson, 4 (168), guards streaked light in the center, wide petals throughout the bloom; strong, erect, medium, tall; mid-season. Good. $1.00.
Magazine  (Nov 1911)  Page(s) 127.  
Species — P. albiflora.
Originated by Kelway.
Donated by Farr.
Description of bloom — Type of bloom semi-rose. Form of bloom globular, medium compact. Not entirely differentiated. Not entirely transformed. Color (total effect) reddish violet 4 (168) ; guards have light streak in center; collar same color as guards ; center clear ; uniform color. Wide petals throughout bloom. Fragrance unpleasant X. Blooming time mid-season. Large size.
Description of plant — Habit of plant erect, medium tall, medium compact to compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem medium long, strong, reddish green. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage medium furnished, dark green, medium size ; veins red.
Commercial value — For cut bloom good; landscape value good. Variety as a whole good.
Website/Catalog  (1909)  Page(s) 4.  
Cavalleria Rusticana. Very full, dark purple, crimson.... $ 1 25
Book  (Apr 1907)  Page(s) 50.  
(1) 1893, Kelway's Cat. Fewkes' MSS.
(2) 1906, Kelway's Cat .p. 101.
(3) Cornell Plot No. 1663.
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